
25 'Star Wars' Prequel Memes For Anyone Who Doesn't Like Sand

Two star wars memes in the following collection
Two star wars memes in the following collection

Published about a year ago

Published about a year ago

Star Wars fans have been making memes since the internet was first formed. And strangely enough, the prequel trilogy tends to be their favorite (at least in terms of memes). This trilogy has lived on in infamy due to its quotable dialogue and constant angst from Anakin. While the movies are rather different in tone, memes make the prequels feel funny and lighthearted, and some of the most widely referenced memes online, like "Hello there," originated with the prequel trilogy, too.

The prequel memes phenomenon is still very much alive, and thriving. Fans still maintain a devoted subreddit and spread their frequently quoted lines of dialogue all over social media, especially when no one asked them to. And with all the new shows added to the franchise in the last few years, Star Wars fans have a lot of reasons to celebrate. Here are some of our favorite new examples of prequel memes from the classic series.

Less Jar Jar Please

He Hates It

Something Stood Out in This Scene

Looks Good

Then Getting Surprised When He's Not Happy

You've Become the Very Thing You Swore to Destroy

Goatman Confirmed

Sad Moment


He Was a Bad Egg from the Start

(Source: Reddit)

Surrender the Water


Not Wrong Though

Darth Mall

When You're a Good Student

These Are Confusing Times

Uh Oh

No Resemblance Here

Really Sums It Up

Don't Let Them See This

Great Job

The Standards Were Lower

Another Happy Ending

One Single Job

That Was a Risky Situation

Tags: star wars, star wars memes, prequel memes, i don't like sand, hello there, jar jar binks, anakin skywalker, obi-wan kenobi, collections,