
10 Cold Weather Memes For Those Freezing Temperatures

Two cold weather memes in the following collection.
Two cold weather memes in the following collection.

Published October 19, 2022

Published October 19, 2022

It's starting to get cold outside. If you're a winter person, you're probably loving this change in temperatures, but the rest of us are starting to suffer. Many of us don't like the cold and would rather be in a temperate climate where anything below sixty degrees doesn't exist, but then we'd have the effects of the recent hurricanes to deal with. So now, we're just waiting out the changing seasons, knowing that sooner or later we're going to have to turn the heat on.

If you're loving (or hating) this new wave of freezing temperatures, these memes will show you that you're wrong. You're entiteld to your opinion, and the rest of us are entitled to our cold weather memes to try and prove ourselves right, as if that would help unfreeze our cold, dead hearts. Here are some of our favorites made to help you get though this freezing early winter in October.

The Worst Way to Wake Up

Waking up shivering is honestly an awful feeling.

She’d Be Proud

I Don’t Know How He Does It

Every school has one of these students, and we never know why he's so oblivious to the cold. Most of us envy him.


We Have Rights

This Argument Annoys Us Warm Weather People

We hear it so often, and yet it never seems to explain why cold weather people like living in a place where the air hurts their skin.

It’s Time

Enjoy It While It Lasts

I’ve Lived in Florida and Can Confirm This Is True

Good Luck

Tags: cold weather, freezing memes, cold weather memes, cold, funny, weather, memes, fall, collections,