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10 Memes About 'The Little Mermaid' And Its Live-Action Remake

Two memes about _The Little Mermaid_ in the following collection.
Two memes about _The Little Mermaid_ in the following collection.

Published September 15, 2022

Published September 15, 2022

So, there's going to be a live-action remake of The Little Mermaid. We've known about this upcoming movie for a while, but a teaser was released only recently, which has reignited an interest in the movie. Not all of the interest is positive, however, especially since most of the reactions to the film so far have targeted lead actress Halle Bailey, who is black, for playing Ariel.

Lots of people are deeply offended by this, but there's no reason Ariel shouldn't be black. There's no historical accuracy to live up to here. Ariel is a fish person. Mermaids do not actually exist. This remake doesn't have to follow the original so strictly. It probably will be pretty similar to the original, though, since live-action Disney movies are all pretty much the same, which is pretty much the only valid criticism of the movie so far. But that hasn't stopped people from tweeting and making some memorable memes about other aspects of the film. Here are some of our favorites.

She’s Beautiful

Your Daily Reminder that Jesus Was Not White

Not even close.

Very True

Karens Doing What Karens Do

Sorry, but if you're seriously offended about Ariel being black, you're probably a Karen.

Yeah, Good Point

This Would Be Great


Who would have guessed a fantasy movie for children would be unrealistic?

I Forgot That Movie Even Existed

Another Great Suggestion

Next time Disney does a remake we didn't ask for, we should all be allowed to vote on some weird casting choices to put in it.

Here’s Something to Be Annoyed About

Tags: the little mermaid, the little mermaid memes, memes, funny, movies, ariel, halle bailey, twitter, tweets, collections,

Meme Encyclopedia