
10 PG-Rated Memes For These R-Rated Times

Left: a fight club respectful meme, 
right: a Sisyphus respectful meme
Left: a fight club respectful meme, 
right: a Sisyphus respectful meme

Published 2 years ago

Published 2 years ago

The internet isn't always a respectful place, and memes aren't necessarily known for being a respectful kind of art. Internet users have long sought out content that can clean the crud of online life out of their eyeballs. The most common kind is wholesome memes, but a new type of meme genre has emerged: respectful memes. These posts, collected from Twitter's @respectfulmemes promise to bring you calm, serenity and old-fashioned human decency. It's something we all need right now.

Every King Has His Crown

(Source: Twitter)

He is anointed, bow down, praise him.


(Source: Twitter)

Nature is the original shitposter.

Please Specify, Awaiting Guidance

(Source: Twitter)

Tell us what to do.

Calling Line Mouse

(Source: Twitter)

(answers phone) Hello? Yes, it's me, Mr. Mouse. Yes, they are still scrolling. What? Oh, yes, definitely, they look great today. Their eyes are the most beautiful color, and their touch on the scroll bar is tender and kind. Mm-hmm, exactly. I think I speak for all the other memes here when I say we're really enjoying being read by this person. Highly recommend. Thanks for your call. (hangs up)

Always Remember This Rule

(Source: Twitter)

Hello Kitty could take Brad Pitt any day.

He Is Aging Well

(Source: Twitter)

He's giving wisdom.


(Source: Twitter)

True friends debate fringe topics and exchange hot takes.

Match Made In Heaven

(Source: Twitter)

They're perfect for each other!

We Must Imagine Him Happy

(Source: Twitter)

The Universe may show us "benign indifference," according to Camus, but Dad certainly doesn't. He wants to know if we're winning.

Fix It!

(Source: Twitter)

Go ahead, fix it. Whatever's wrong, you can fix it.

Tags: respectful memes, twitter,

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