10 Student Loan Memes From This Expensive Era
Millennials and some older Zoomers have been stressing about their student loans for quite some time now. Student loan debt has been building up for decades, and people have certainly had enough. Many of these loans are worth well over a hundred thousand dollars right off the bat due to the high cost of higher education, plus all the interest they accrue as we're unable to pay them off in their entirety. People have been pressing Biden to do something about this for a while now, and thankfully, something's finally being done.
It's just been officially announced that many student loan borrowers will be able to cancel up to ten thousand dollars worth of debt, or twenty thousand for recipients of Pell grants. This news comes as a great relief to the many people who could use a little extra help paying off their mountain of debt. To celebrate, let's take a look back on some memes about the student loan phenomenon that's been dragging us down for so long.
Forgive Me, Father
If loans are forgiven, many of us will finally be able to stop eating only ramen noodles, because living with student loans is just so expensive.
Don’t Judge Her For It
There's no shame in it. She's got to pay those off somehow, and we're not sure how else to do it.
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