
11 Historical Art Memes Updated For Modern Times

Two classical art memes from the following collection.
Two classical art memes from the following collection.

Published 5 years ago

Published 5 years ago

Classical art serves the purpose of giving a glance at what the world was like well before iPhones and social media existed. What many have come to find is that regardless of what time in history they were painted, they can be extremely relatable when made into memes. Below are 11 of our favorite new works of art found in the subreddit /r/TrippinThroughTime.

Who Needs A Heater When You Have Their Breath?

(Source: Reddit)

Dark Days

(Source: Reddit)

Technically She Is Right

(Source: Reddit)

Bringing My Blankets With Me

(Source: Reddit)

A Cat In Salvador Dali's World

(Source: Reddit)

They'll Never Know

(Source: Reddit)

The Glow-Up Was Real

(Source: Reddit)

Nice to Meet You

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

This Is Why We Never Leave The House

(Source: Reddit)

Best Friend Forever

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: medieval art, /r/trippingthroughtime, cats, paintings, historical art, mcdonalds, skeleton, dating, cheating, hearts, karen, fish, politics, homies, pulled over, long weekends, collections,