Meme Encyclopedia

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11 Pro-Ukraine Memes From The Ukrainian Meme Forces

Two memes about Ukraine and Russia.
Two memes about Ukraine and Russia.

Published March 17, 2022

Published March 17, 2022

Many people around the world are looking for a way to help Ukrainians as they battle against Russia's ongoing invasion. The most obvious and most helpful way, of course, is to donate money to humanitarian organizations or to Ukrainians directly. But another, increasingly prevalent way is to make memes that might shape the way the public understands the conflict. On Twitter’s @uamemesforces, volunteers gather the best pro-Ukraine memes from Reddit and Twitter, reposting them to a wider audience. Here you’ll find trenchant geopolitical commentary alongside anti-Putin memery. You’ll find stories of brave Ukrainian farmers and inspiring Chad-like leaders. Memes may seem trivial, but they’ve already proven to be a crucial part of the information war. So take a moment to consider the important work of the Ukraine Meme Forces.


(Source: Twitter)

Fun fact: Pooh was banned in China because too many people made memes comparing the way he looks to Xi Jinping.

I'm Doing My Part!

(Source: Twitter)

U Wot

(Source: Reddit)

Ukrainian Farmers Unite

(Source: Twitter)

The Ukrainian farmers and their tractors have emerged as unexpected heroes of this war. Ukraine produces a lot of grain, so there's a whole lot of tractors around.

Appeasement's Consequences

(Source: Twitter)

Mr. President

(Source: Twitter)

It's not just the smile, but also the earth tone zip-ups and the grizzled five-o-clock shadow.

Yeah, Right…

(Source: Twitter)

Farmer Forces

(Source: Twitter)

Changes In Perception

(Source: Twitter)

The teddy bear could still pose a threat, FYI.

A Romance For The Ages

(Source: Twitter)

Lukashenko and Putin have really bonded over the last few months.

Tags: russia, ukraine, memes, war, conflict,

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