Left: a mouse being squeezed, and a better mouse being squeezed in a science diagram
Right: a turkey flapping its wings in a weird science diagram

12 Science Diagrams That Really Look Like Memes

Science textbooks can be a weird place. Twitter's @sciences---post gleans the best weird charts, visuals, and illustrations from science textbooks and celebrates their wackiness. Some of these scientific posts seem totally unintentional, and others feel a little tongue-in-cheek, as if people in white lab coats are having a lot more fun than you'd expect.

The pursuit of knowledge about the natural world is one of the noblest human projects you can engage in, but it can also be one of the funniest. We're not sure if these things from textbooks and class worksheets were made to look ridiculous, but they definitely do. These slices of scientific fact, apparently from real science publications, show you an odd and compelling side of STEM. Scroll these and you might even end up learning something. It’s always possible. Or at least, they’ll ease the load of your 40 pages of course reading due next week.

Long Boy

Esophagus Stomach The small intestine is about 17 feet (5-6 m) long. The large intestine is about 5 fect (1.5 m) long. Recium


Emperor penguin Charlotte Brontë 43" (1.3m) 4'9" (145m)

Because she is the standard, average human being, of course.


Shaking your head is one way to communicate no.

Ripped From The Pages Of My Dream Journal


Long horse.

The Mouse

Natural Un-natural OSTURITE

It is not okay to squeeze living mice.

Turtle Man

甲羅はほとんど助骨など胸郭で できている 骨盤 肩甲骨 胸郭 肩甲骨と骨盤 7. を胸郭の中に 入れる

Most people just call him "the pope."


Gluteus Medius Gluteus Мaximus Fish Diagram TFL Fish


Figure 1. Photo of a frightened wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo).

Real Science Identifies What's In The Hump?

The context of this one is difficult to understand. What knowledge are they teaching the children?

El Cuerpo

parte superior del cráneo barbilla pezones ombligo entrepierna puntas de los dedos parte inferior de la rodilla piso 1/9 200 mm. = 1/1 180 cm. 25 mm. 3 CABEZAS Y% CABEZAS CABEZAS 14CABEZAS CABEZAS

There's hella heads here, dude.

Correct Posture


This is the only way to lie down.


Deaths ntay

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