
15 Creative Yet Weird Objects People Shouldn't Have Invented

a collection of items people created around their homes photos are of a skateboard chair and shorts made out of haribo packets
a collection of items people created around their homes photos are of a skateboard chair and shorts made out of haribo packets

Published 4 years ago

Published 4 years ago

Times are tough, but now that much of the pandemic has become manageable, we're going outside again, and hopefully don't have to resort to entertaining ourselves by gluing a skateboard to a chair. Apparently, though, some people are still into doing just that. It's clear that we were all very bored during this pandemic lockdown, but maybe not as bored as the following people collected from the subreddit /r/DiWHY.

Below are Furbies, beanie babies, lamps made out of kitchen items, chairs made out of Playstations and other items created out of sheer genius or insanity. Were these good ideas? Were they executed properly? These questions are probably best left unanswered, honestly. Here are 15 of our favorite creations from people who clearly have too much time on their hands.

This Belongs On An Episode Of Project Runway

(Source: Reddit)

This Has More Personality Than The Pixar Lamp

(Source: Reddit)

When You Run Out Of Toilet Paper…

(Source: Reddit)

When You Give Your Febreze Bottle A Makeover

(Source: Reddit)

Who Has This Many Cheese Graters?

(Source: Reddit)

Beautiful Decorations!

(Source: Reddit)

What Else Is There To Do With A Broken iPad?

(Source: Reddit)

Well, This Must Be Florida

(Source: Reddit)

When There Is A Shortage Of Surgical Masks

(Source: Reddit)

Seems Comfortable

(Source: Reddit)

Did You Ever Know That You're My Haribo?

(Source: Reddit)

Ok But How Do I Use It?

(Source: Reddit)

Here's Hoping It Smells Better Than A Monster

(Source: Reddit)

An Actual Nightmare

(Source: Reddit)

So Holy

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/diwhy, reddit, crayons, coffee beans, lamp, bidet, febreze, bling, maks, cheese graters, soda cans, ipad, clocks, alligator, carpet, playstation, chair, candles, furby, cross, haribo, collections,