15 Facebook Comments That Are Keeping The Platform Alive

Usually when we talk about Facebook, we tend to focus on the insane people who spend their days there. And there's a lot of them. They're usually pretty socially outspoken (a little too outspoken) and understand so little of modern society that most of what they say is really awkward. We're used to seeing nothing but "wife bad" jokes and unsubtle jabs about our generation's "phone addiction." But once in a while, a good comment or two slips through the cracks, and they can be pretty funny.
We all need a break from the relentless onslaught of politics and drama on Facebook, so take a few minutes to see the good parts of the platform before they vanish into obscurity, drowning in hundreds of memes about "kids these days." In an effort to prove that comedy does actually happen in some of the most surprising places, we have gathered a list of comments and posts that are legitimately funny from the subreddit /r/FacebookWins. Below are 15 of our favorites.