Gawr Gura

15 Gawr Gura Memes For Her HoloLive Anniversary

Incase you didn't know, Gawr Gura and HoloMyth are celebrating their one-year anniversary! Though it feels like way longer than that, the first generation of English VTuber only came out a year ago. Let's reflect on the past with some memes featuring the shark herself, Gawr Gura.

Shark Is Stuck

Shark Can't Calendar


Arguably Worse

japan before world war japan after world war

You Mean It Isn't?

The ocean in real life The ocean according to weebs

New Cover Post-Lawsuit

gawrgura Congrats 1m subs

Gura Not That Dangerous

This is the most dangerous animal in the world, responsible for millions of deaths every year. By her side we can see a white shark swimming peacefully. 99 @DianaSoraVtuber


F--- off, l'm not giving money to random e-girl streamer #88532 dOTGM: SHAWK SHARK TIME svery cute RM

The Average Shark Enjoyer



The boss when you fight it The boss when you unlock it as a playable character

Dude Calm Down

43 BATMAN-ARKHAM C Anonymous 02/01/21(Mon)14:25:05 No.163205 v >>163233 >>163237 >>163238 >>163243 >>163263 >>163273 >>163291 >>163298 >>163304 >>163315 >>163317 >>163318 >>163327 >>163334 >>163365 >>163377 >>163382 >>163390 >>163416 >>163439 >>163458 >>163489 >>163496 >>163513 >>163524 >>163534 >>163577 >>163583 >>163605 >>163613 >>163659 >>163745 >>163793 I keep a spreadsheet of all of gura's paypigs on excel, and I also have all of their social media accounts and comb them over every day to ensure that they are not going full skitzo. I only do this for love of Gura and I want her to be SAFE. If Gura read every SC equally then it'd be okay but she does not so that's why I do this. I don't feel jealousy or insecurity, I just track their activities to ensure no wrongdoing is happening and seeing if gura interacts with them on twitter

Well Done

HAND! Yes, that is your hand. Very good.

Good Point

Shark of the pool, what is your wisdom ? Technically beer is vegetable

That's Disturbing

Chum Jar♡

Shark Can't Math

2x2 12÷2=5 2020-2011=10 Im DOING 1000 CALCULATIONS PER SECOND AND THEYRE ALL WRONG 5x5=35

Sailor Shark Moon

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