
15 Greek Mythology Memes From Hellenistic Teens

Two memes about Greek mythology from the Classical Studies Memes For Hellenistic Teens Twitter account.
Two memes about Greek mythology from the Classical Studies Memes For Hellenistic Teens Twitter account.

Published November 16, 2020

Published November 16, 2020

One of the best parts about classical Greek mythology is how absolutely bonkers it is. On Twitter, this fact is thoroughly appreciated on the account @CSMFHT, and the beautiful thing is, you only need to know the bare minimum about mythology to enjoy the memes the account makes and publishes. Welcome to the Colosseum of ancient memes!

Plot Twist: Hades Isn't So Bad

(Source: Twitter)

Except Maybe He Was a Bit Bad?

(Source: Twitter)

In Which We Are All Hera

(Source: Twitter)

You'd be Surprised How Often It Happens

(Source: Twitter)

It's Not Original Content, but Isn't That in the True Classics Spirit?

(Source: Twitter)

And Speaking of Original Content…

(Source: Twitter)

Caesar Should Have Kept His Mouth Shut

(Source: Twitter)

This Is Opulence

(Source: Twitter)

People Know About Prometheus, Right?

(Source: Twitter)

Trust Me, the Trojan War WAS This Chaotic

(Source: Twitter)

This is How 75% of Greek Myths Start

(Source: Twitter)

Gladiator: Kitten Deathmatch

(Source: Twitter)

Have You Ever Wondered Why There Are So Many?

(Source: Twitter)

Medusa Meets Her Match

(Source: Twitter)

And Finally, the Mystery Is Solved

(Source: Twitter)

Tags: greek mythology, mythology, memes, history, along came zeus, zeus, hera, trojan war, hades, persephone, myths, history memes, collections, editorials, meme, classical studies memes for hellenistic teens, @csmfht,