
15 Of The Most Puzzling Images On The Internet Right Now

A collection of images from the subreddit /r/hmmm photos are of a germaphobe checkout lane and a Jack Daniels spray bottle
A collection of images from the subreddit /r/hmmm photos are of a germaphobe checkout lane and a Jack Daniels spray bottle

Published March 19, 2020

Published March 19, 2020

It's pretty safe to say that we're all currently living in one of the strangest periods of history, with never-ending turmoil taking over the globe, our televisions, and our broken senses of humor. And yet, somehow, we found photos from all over that might actually be weirder than anything on the news right now, thanks to the subreddit /r/hmmm.

This subreddit is one of the more famous ones on Reddit, known for its cryptic nature and strange community that willingly posts pictures with absolutely no context, captioned only with "Hmmm." The sub has nearly two million members who love to be confused and confuse others. None of these posts make any sense, but maybe there's something great about that, too, since you can make up your own backstories for each of these images and give them the meaning they never really had before. Or you can try to, at least. Here are 15 of our favorites.

A Lot Of People Would Sign Up For This Religion

(Source: Reddit)

Can I Get A McRibbit?

(Source: Reddit)

Here's Hoping This Was Taken On Halloween

(Source: Reddit)

Quarantine Snacks

(Source: Reddit)

Can't Tell If This Is Because Of The Virus Or A Fear Of Eye Contact

(Source: Reddit)

Did Cardi B Make This?

(Source: Reddit)

Objects May Appear Larger Than They Are

(Source: Reddit)

How We All Feel Staying Inside Right Now

(Source: Reddit)

What Demon Is Down There?

(Source: Reddit)

Don't Forget To Take Your Dogs Out For A Walk

(Source: Reddit)

Pimp My Ride Winner

(Source: Reddit)

Excited For These 2021 Horror Films

(Source: Reddit)

When You Really Want A Hands-Free Phone

(Source: Reddit)

That's What It's There For Right?

(Source: Reddit)

If You're Trying To Quit Eating Cheese And Need Motivation..

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/hmmm, internet, weird, snakes, cats, mcdonalds, frogs, jack daniels, grocery stores, cheese, crocs, toilet paper, wagon wheels, jason voorhees, collections,