15 Of The Worst Memes Buried In The Comedy Cemetery

Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to experience the pain that is viewing the memes featured in the subreddit /r/ComedyCemetery. Instead of honoring them, we're going to mock them, which is really the only thing they deserve their entire lives. Instead of being born to make people laugh, a loveless creator pushed them into existence for the sole sake of farming likes and karma, despite having no understanding of basic humor.
They were born to die slowly by fading into obscurity due to a lack of positive attention, but luckily we've gathered the worst of them to live on in an unpleasant ironic afterlife known as the comedy cemetery. Self-described as a place to submit "Stuff that was intended to be humorous, but… isn't," this notable online community accepts memes that attempt to be funny and mocks them endlessly for failing. Below is a collection of some of our current favorites. Feel free to pay your respects.