15 Organizations Trying Way Too Hard To Connect With The Younger Generation

While some would argue that we live in divisive times, it's quite a sight to see generations try to connect with one another. It's even more special when corporations and teachers try to connect with younger generations, who they believe only communicate with memes. They seem to be a little oblivious to the reality that we have good memes, and theirs are trash, because when older people who don't get the joke try to insert themselves into it, it just winds up looking weird and a little pathetic. It's not the best marketing strategy, but for some reason, they try it over and over again, and it's getting embarrassing.
The subreddit /r/FellowKids captures some of these brilliant moments. And no, they're not helping these companies earn any more fans or sell any products. In fact, young people will probably never want to buy anything from these companies ever again because of these. But these bad memes are everywhere, and we're happy to showcase 15 of our favorites.