15 People Being Far Too Specific On The Internet For Their Own Good
Since Twitter granted anyone the privilege to post up to 280 characters, tweets have really been taken to new heights. Sometimes tweets aren't as pithy as one would presume, and users take quite the turn in writing very detailed thoughts. Often, they're so detailed we're genuinely worried about the people behind them. Are they okay? Who hurt them in such an incredibly specific way? Do we owe them a reply, or should we just pretend we'd never seen the Tweet and try our hardest to forget about it? Why do they feel the need to share this with everyone who casually scrolls through Twitter, minding their own business until they're rudely interrupted?
For some reason, these Twitter users just went a little bit too far, and now we can't get rid of the images they've left in our heads. Below are 15 of the funniest tweets collected from the subreddit /r/OddlySpecific which emphasizes just how bizarre people can get when writing what's on their minds.