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15 People Fed Up With The Job Application Process

a collection of social media posts where people mock the job application process photos are of a comic where someone is saying he wants the job because he needs to eat and another cracking a joke about Ash from Pokemon finally being promoted after 20 years
a collection of social media posts where people mock the job application process photos are of a comic where someone is saying he wants the job because he needs to eat and another cracking a joke about Ash from Pokemon finally being promoted after 20 years

Published June 12, 2020

Published June 12, 2020

Everyone knows that applying for jobs is pure torture. First, you're forced to utilize fancy language on your resume to describe basic tasks. Second, you have to spend a ridiculous amount of time typing up a cover letter that will definitely never be seen. You also have to upload an extensive resume, and then comes everyone's favorite part: retyping all of the information that was already in the resume all over again into their website. Then, there's weeks of radio silence. If you're lucky, you may get asked to do an interview, and if you somehow manage to succeed at this without getting eliminated for asking about the anticipated salary, then the process can take almost a month to be hired.

Times have really changed since our parents were able to walk into a store and ask for an interview. That's just not how our modern job application process works, and the way it does work is pretty dysfunctional. The whole situation is incredibly stressful and the following people are 100% fed up with the BS. Here are 15 of our favorite thoughts on the nightmarish job application process collected from the subreddit /r/recruitinghell.

Make It Fancy

(Source: Reddit)

Sorry, But We Can't Hire Another Jeffrey

(Source: Reddit)

That's Quite A Description

(Source: Reddit)

Someone Give This Guy A Job At Google Already

(Source: Reddit)

Life Hack

(Source: Reddit)

Worth A Try

(Source: Reddit)

If Buc-ee's Can Do It…

(Source: Reddit)

He Can Get Any Job He Wants Now

(Source: Reddit)

Oh Boy

(Source: Reddit)

It'll Be Fun!

(Source: Reddit)

Please Chill

(Source: Reddit)

Can't Wait To Waste Even More Time

(Source: Reddit)

Sorry, I Need Food

(Source: Reddit)

Hating Everybody

(Source: Reddit)

A Phenomenal Answer

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: r/recruitinghell, jobs, recruiting hell, job applications, reddit, popular, funny, twitter, collections,

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