
15 Posts Showcasing The Horrors Of Job Searching

Two images from r/recruitinghell
Two images from r/recruitinghell

Published September 01, 2023

Published September 01, 2023

The hiring process, for whatever reason, is a huge pain these days. Even though every employer claims they are short-staffed, and that no one wants to work, they make it unbelievably difficult to apply, get hired and stay on with the company. Anyone who is out job or career searching right now has felt and is feeling the pains of low pay offers, crazy expectations, and just outlandish atmospheres. It doesn't make much sense, and it all doesn't add up, but with the strange way the world is, it's hard to be surprised about it.

Those who have found a great job are very lucky, because some of the posts on Reddit's /r/recruitingh*ll are unbearable and unimaginable. Strange listings, entry-level postings requiring years of experience, unusual (and probably not allowed) questions and much more all make up just some of what is out there, and what anyone searching for a job has to deal with. Here are just 15 of the horrors people have to face while searching for a job.


(Source: Reddit)

The Fridge?

(Source: Reddit)

Didn't Even Try

(Source: Reddit)

Sorry, What?

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Entry Level…

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Um Okay Then

(Source: Reddit)

A Bit Personal

(Source: Reddit)

Next Level

(Source: Reddit)

Like Come On

(Source: Reddit)

What Kinda Question Is This?

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: recruiting hell, job, work, interviews, linkedin, collections,