15 'Star Wars' Sequel Memes For Both Fans And Haters
The Star Wars sequels are a pretty controversial topic. If you've seen them (or even just heard about them), there's no way you don't have an opinion on them. They're one of this era's biggest topics of conversation, since we somehow can't get over them no matter how long passes since the last one came out. Maybe you prefer the originals, or the prequels, or even the many spinoffs. Or maybe you still prefer the sequels. Today, were not here to judge you. Maybe the commenters on this article will, but that's not our goal here either way. Bringing them up around fans of the saga is like starting a heated political debate, and for once, we want to just make some jokes without starting a war. So whether you enjoy the sequels or have a bunch of negative things to say about them, these memes will have you appreciating the last three movies in a new light.