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15 Dishes Made By People Who Need To Stay Out Of The Kitchen

Two cursed food images in the following collection.
Two cursed food images in the following collection.

Published August 16, 2022

Published August 16, 2022

There are some things you really shouldn't eat. I mean, sure, they're made of things that are technically edible, but at the same time, the grass and leaves you see outside are technically edible too, and they're probably better for your mental health than the following food disasters. But for some reason that we'll never understand, people will really eat just about anything they can think of, and it ranges from truly bad combinations to foods that appear horribly deformed, and we just can't stomach the thought of eating any of these things.

Hopefully, you're not on your lunch break, because you're about to lose your appetite. These are the sorts of foods you'd find yourself eating in your worst nightmares, or when the delivery place drops it off like this and won't return your calls, but you're pretty desperate for food. But if you dare eat these, we hope you make it through the next few hours of digestion alright. For everyone else who has common sense, here are 15 cursed foods that we know you'll never eat.

A Kid Made This As Her First Sandwich

(Source: Reddit)

And yes, she ate all of it.

Promo Image for Ikea's Breakfast in the Netherlands

(Source: Reddit)

Maybe it's still better than those Ikea meatballs.

From Lil Caesar's

(Source: Reddit)

Here, we have a certified Pizza crime.

Chicken and Waffles

(Source: Reddit)

Chicken and waffles is a classic southern dish, but this…is not the same thing.


(Source: Reddit)

I Would Never Try These

(Source: Reddit)

Mini Corn Dogs Dipped in Yogurt

(Source: Reddit)

Garlic Bread Dogs

(Source: Reddit)

The person who made this has two perfectly good things by putting them together in this awful manner.

Chickenless Wing

(Source: Reddit)

I don't want to know how this was made.

Supposedly, These Were Once Hotdogs

(Source: Reddit)

I thought these were tongues until I read the comments.

And Another Lil Caesar's

(Source: Reddit)

Hard-Boiled Plantain Bowl

(Source: Reddit)

Big Mac, Assembly Required

(Source: Reddit)

Milk with Evaporated Milk and Condensed Milk

(Source: Reddit)

Believe It Or Not, This Is Another Lil Caesar's

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: food, stupid food, boys who can cook, fail, funny, cursed, cursed image, we have food at home, pizza, pizza crimes, collections,

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