Two images from /r/cringepics

16 Things To Fill You With That Cringeworthy Feeling

When it comes to online content that can forever alter the way you look at life, there's certainly some standouts that are worse than the rest. You can instantly make your day worse by looking at cringeworthy images, especially those collected by Redditors, who see cringe constantly on their platform and have learned to distinguish some of the highest quality of pain you can enjoy. These are some of the most cringeworthy images they've hand-picked for you through /r/cringepics.

We know it's been a long week, so we figured now is the perfect time to embrace the uncomfortable circumstances of what other people do or say both online and in person. Now, we can "improve" your week by throwing some cringe images your way. Below are some of the best memes that capture terrible texts and Craigslist ads that are bound to give you a stomachache. Scroll at your own risk, because you've been warned.


will Yu-Gi-Out with me? aha x

(Source: Reddit)

Please don't finish that sentence

Me trying to start a conversation with my parents* My parents: "Not to be racist, but..." Nas ARRIVA

(Source: Reddit)

Can't wait to bring up the weather again for the 15th time

When you say bye to someone and you both walk away in the same direction

(Source: Reddit)

Looks like I'm staying in here and drowning

Me: *sings loud in shower* visitors:

(Source: Reddit)

RIP Papi

10:02 C* 列ll 72%1 Post Florida 1153M Q ♡ Liked by kylie_knh and 8,756 others raa Butterfly fly away Rip Papi you were my bestfriend. A life well lived. #rip #papi #veteran #ptsd #funeral #neverforgotten View all 773 comments 15 hours ago •..

(Source: Reddit)


A 3 a 44% 01:58 99+ Cole 25 If you're below an 8/10 move on, I have better things to do.

(Source: Reddit)

Live, laugh, compete with Jesus

Jeas Mc

(Source: Reddit)

I mean, this is what is on the news every single night

4:02 i 71% Thu, Jul 19 G0D N Netflix Top Pick for Kids The Sinner - When a young mother inexplicably stabs a stranger to death, a sympathetic detective struggles to unlock the mystery buried in her missing memories Manage notifications CLEAR ALL +

(Source: Reddit)

It was titled "Facts"

being friends with à femaleis pointless, god made men and women for procreation. the role of a bee is to pollinate the flower, not listen to its problems. MIN Women No.. This doesn't make any sense...

(Source: Reddit)

Did they spell breakfast 'break fast' because one runs quickly to vomit after viewing this image?

Pro-tip: Outta milk? Mayo and ice cold water makes milk in a pinch. Great for break fast cereal!

(Source: Reddit)

Well when you're expected to live at work, you better get an office chair that serves as a bed too


Imagine having to give this Uber driver a rating


(Source: Reddit)

Put these people on the Maury Show immediately

Today 11:08 PM Can you not like my boyfriend's pictures on Instagram? Thanks. your bf is my cousin lol Delivered That doesn't give you a right to like his pictures.

(Source: Reddit)

Just proud of 'you're' being spelled right in this situation

I know that you're a little sad but please remember that I think you're hella rad bluebe

(Source: Reddit)

Mountain Dew, the drink of choice for murderers

Hey you! I've got a secret for you Know what I love more than this delicious dew tn

(Source: Reddit)

I Hope This Is Fake

Do you want to date me? No. Fine. I'll wait a hundred years if I have to. l'll be dead by then... Ah, okay *pries open your casket* you don't look too bad *lifts you out carefully from the mahogany burial box* you need a shower *bathes you* all clean now ;) Gtfo this is sick.

(Source: Reddit)

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