Two _Star Wars_ memes in the following collection.

17 Funny 'Star Wars' Memes For Fans Of The Original Trilogy

Star Wars is undeniably one of the most popular franchises out there, and out of all the movies, the first three are probably the best. While we get most of our memes from the prequels, the original trilogy deserves more credit. These are some of the best new memes from the movies that first got us addicted to the Star Wars craze.

The Original Last Name Was Starkiller, Not Skywalker

Luke: Can I have a Star Destroyer ? Vader: We have Star Destroyers at home. The Star Destroyer at home:

(Source: Reddit)

An Underrated Romance


(Source: Reddit)

Stormtroopers Aren’t Good at Anything

My parents ondering why I'm laughing Me who saw the stormtrooper hit his head against the door

(Source: Reddit)

Yoda in Exile

What people think Yoda was doing in exile What he was probably doing

(Source: Reddit)

Lucia Skywalker

Time Traveler: Gets Disney to buy Star Wars early on. The Time Line:

(Source: Reddit)

He's Not The Only One

People watching Star Wars in the 70's/80's: That boy is our last hope People in 2021 that have watched clone wars/rebels: are No. There 4-5 others

(Source: Reddit)


Vader ih the tie fighter R2 in the x- ving

(Source: Reddit)


Who fans think the smartest person in the Empire is: The actual smartest person in the Empire: The person who decided to give Imperial ships green lasers instead of red ones to make them look like the good guys

(Source: Reddit)

Less Pollution

GET A GRIP @docrussjackson Due to less air pollution, we can now see the Star Wars credits. Jedi.. 150 JO AWM 85

(Source: Reddit)

Undeniable Photographed Proof

The very first photograph ever taken in history: "View from the Window" by Joseph Nicéphore Niépce in 1826 This isn't a spice dream. I can see the Imperial Destroyer with my own eyes.

(Source: Reddit)

So Disappointing

When the drugs wear off and you realize you're not a space smuggler traveling across the universe with a Wookie

(Source: Reddit)

How Palpatine Returned

My sister got an ultrasound and sent us this u/thehighground 69 We will watch your career with great interest. HT 30-100

(Source: Reddit)

Crime Fighter

When you eliminate crime on Alderaan by eliminating Alderaan реесе

(Source: Reddit)

Another Post Honoring the Hero

For all his flaws, he reduced unemployment on Alderaan to 0.

(Source: Reddit)

This Year in a Nutshell

how it started how it's going om

(Source: Reddit)

Stuck With Him

Anakin: "Hi, R2D2. This is my droid, C3PO. I think you're going to become great firends!" R2D2 for the rest of the Star Wars Series: solid_snark

(Source: Reddit)

Where's the Eye Bleach?

Me noticing David Prowse's eyes in A New Hope UNSEE made with mematic

(Source: Reddit)

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