Two terrible life pro tips in the following collection.

17 Terrible Life Hacks That Could Ruin Your Life

Life hacks are generally meant to make your interactions with the world around you a little smoother. Unfortunately (or fortunately, perhaps), not everyone has bright ideas to share. We're not sure what sort of fever dreams they woke up from that gave them these brilliant ideas, but we're recommending you don't listen to them for several reasons. The first is that they'd ruin you, whether it be legally, physically, socially or any other possible form of destroying someone's self-esteem. The second reason is that common sense should tell you these are ironic.

If you decide to do any of these, just know that you are an idiot. We do not take any responsibility for advice you took from jokes we specifically told you not to take advice from. From awful ideas with terrible results to something a Twitter user made in the hopes of watching the world burn, here are some of the worst life "pro tips" the internet has to offer.

Take the Cars Down With You

Colin Dellow @cldellow 19h tdo People always say cyclists need to be more afraid of cars, because in a collision, the car wins. It doesn't have to be like that. We can _both_ lose. 123 27 4.229 22,1K

(Source: Reddit)

Dominos Is the New Dating App

a girl has no name @PiratedTweet Done with dating sites. I'm now focusing on pizza delivery guys because at least I know they have a job, a car, and pizza. 6/25/17, 3:35 PM <>

(Source: Reddit)

How to Make $150k

Mayne @Tradermayne How I made it $150k trading. 1- took a small loan of $300k from my dad. 2 - put it into high risk s coins 3- lost half, got scared, decided it was ime to cash out 4 - blocked my dads number 5 - net profit of $150k secured

(Source: Reddit)

Shut Down All Hospitals

henry @henryws_ If roughly 700,000 people die each year in hospitals, why dont we just close all the hospitals so nobody dies?

(Source: Reddit)

How to Be Included Forever

If you die and get cremated, you can be put into an hourglass and still be included in family game night 2

(Source: Reddit)

Even Things Out

(Source: Reddit)

Cure Chronic Pain

Shiro O Today at 5:35 AM my legs hurt Shiro O my legs hurt Hyacinth Today at 5:47 AM if you put them in fire eventually your nerves will burn off and you wont feel pain in your legs anymore! 9

(Source: Reddit)

Find Acceptance

angelwormwood other people may reject you but if you lie on the forest floor for long enough the moss and fungi will always accept you as one of their own #jim.txt 17,127 notes

(Source: Reddit)

Avoid Drowning

zamzam @giftedteen how do people drown Imao just drink the water lol 11/20/15, 7:22 PM

(Source: Reddit)

I Do This Every Day

How to deal with life like an adult: 1. Pretend things are fine 2. Live in constant state of fear and anxiety 3. Repeat made with mematic

(Source: Reddit)

How to Always Have a Mask

Top tip for the day. Always always keep some lettuce in your fridge in case you run out of masks-

(Source: Reddit)

Seize the Day

Shakti Shetty @Shakti_Shetty Don't let anyone else ruin your day. It's YOUR day. Ruin it yourself.

(Source: Reddit)

If Your Arms Get Too Tired, Get a Wheelchair with Pedals

descalcificación en los Huesos UES C.contactoegnalm (UES

(Source: Reddit)

Just Turn It Off

(Source: Reddit)

The Discord Knows Best

Chirasul @chirasul since we're having a baby in a couple months, the discord is discussing parenting life hacks Chirasul Today at 231 PM give your baby a dollar immediately after birth before they receive their social security number. when they receive their SS, they're value is reset automatically to 0. now take back that dollar. baby now has a negative value; the social security buffer cant handle a negative number so it immediately flips around to the highest 32-bit integer, letting your baby start life with $2,147,483,647

(Source: Reddit)

Cooking Hack

COOKING HACK: if you put too much water in your rice, toss a few phones in there

(Source: Reddit)

How to Teach Your Kids About Investing

A VIK @Vik60421368 Proud dad tweet. Taught my 3 Y.O about investing this morning. He could either have half a gummy prior to nursery or he could leave it there and have 2 in the afternoon. He chose the latter. So proud! I ate them both once he left though because #volatility

(Source: Reddit)

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