Two memes about Jane Austen from the collection.

18 Jane Austen Memes, Just In Time For The New Season Of 'Bridgerton'

Netflix's series Bridgerton has put Regency England back in the spotlight, and sparked a new interest in the classic novels by authors like Jane Austen, who captured the realities of society and dating at the time, making them feel timeless. These stories never really go away, since they're so popular and influential that they inspire new stories all the time. That also means that they inspire memes, of course, and we've collected the best Jane Austen memes below.

Austen Plots Are All About How Terrible It Is To Be Around People

moll mothma 00 @youngcornchip This is most of the plot of Pride and Prejudice nick miller @nocontextmiller · Dec 11, 2020 I was put in an awkward situation, and I reacted poorly. 10:04 AM · Dec 13, 2020 Twitter for iPhone

(Source: Twitter)

She Had Specific Tastes


(Source: Reddit)

People Fell In Love For The Same Reasons They Do Now

prideprejudce darcy elizabeth For too long my arrogance and pride have been misunderstood. pride and prejudice: a summary

(Source: Reddit)

So The Characters Are Pretty Relatable

Charlotte Lucas O 3 miles away Looking for a living, breathing man and... yep, that's pretty much the only requirement.

(Source: Reddit)

Prepare Yourself For Polite Disagreements

Mr. Woodhouse: It's chilly in here Knightly: No it's not Mr. Woodhouse: said we chilly

(Source: Reddit)

Simping Has Existed For Centuries

Emma: *paints a mediocre portrait* Mr Elton: Talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show- stopping, spectacular, never-the same, totally unique, completely-not-ever-been-done-before

(Source: Reddit)

Forget Covid, Worry About Consumption

Anyone: *sneezes* Mr Woodhouse: This is it. This is how it ends.

(Source: Reddit)

Marriage Proposals Are Everything …


(Source: Reddit)

… Though You Can Try More Than Once

Pod and Prejudice @podandprejudice 00 Mr. Darcy's first proposal And, much as it grieves me to say it, it might be that the people llove is, in fact.. you. 2:01 PM · Dec 25, 2020 · Twitter for iPhone 8 Retweets 1 Quote Tweet 48 Likes

(Source: Twitter)

Not Everyone Is Supposed To Be A Good Conversationalist …

Literally Mrs. Bennet all time Mr. Bennet

(Source: Reddit)

… And Things Can Get Socially Awkward

Darcy following him around because he knows no one beyond his own party Bingly, havinga good time

(Source: Reddit)

Mr. Darcy Is Hard To Please …


(Source: Reddit)

He Takes Some Getting Used To

Bingley: So you admit that you were in the wrong? Darcy: @podandprejudice My meddling is the one true constant in all of our disasters.

(Source: Reddit)

Mr. Collins Is No Mr. Darcy

mr. collins proposing to lizzie like Why go for the best when you can go for the rest?

(Source: Reddit)

He's Got A One-Track Mind

Mr. Collins TRA DE HH "the patronage of the esteemed Lady Catherine de Bourgh" classic-lit- normal conversation

(Source: Reddit)

It Can Be Like That Sometimes

mrs. bennet, 5 PM if you're saying I play favorites, you' re wrong. I love all my children equally! mrs. bennet, earlier that day I don't care for mary

(Source: Reddit)

Emma Is Here For The Same Things As You

Emma Woodhouse trying to get her friends to date each other

(Source: Reddit)

Wit Still Survives Today

David Astle 000 @dontattempt There's no difference between pride and prejudice, austensibly 2:25 PM · Dec 10, 2020 · Twitter for iPhone 23 Retweets 4 Quote Tweets 211 Likes

(Source: Twitter)

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