Two images of dumb people acting smart online.

19 Internet Users Who Think They're Smart, But Definitely Aren't

If you feel the need to recite a thesaurus in order to convince fellow internet users that you're smart, you're probably not the most intelligent person. These people regularly brag about being geniuses, but clearly, they aren't. No one in their right minds would believe that pretending to be smart actually makes you smart. Fortunately, these people aren't in their right minds, even though they think they are. They seem to genuinely believe what they're saying while they hurl insults around online about everyone else's inferior intelligence. When you start throwing around words like "paradigm," you're officially overcompensating for something.

These people will never believe they're not smart, and they feel the need to prove their intelligence (completely unprompted) just to shame others for not believing their Flat Earth model is real. Here are some of the most awkward failed attempts at sounding smart online. Here are some truly cringeworthy examples of people trying to convince you that they're the smartest out there.

This Guy on Tinder

38 In a giant mindmap I utilised philosophers, economics, political scientists, sociology | I was like 20 But as a pessimistic person, every solution had a way that could be overrun in my brain A lot of ends untied And then I discovered finance And I recreated myself and beat all the Asians in statistics. There were only two or three girls in my post grad My brain just needs a deep world to discover and analyse I don't think we are suited because I don't think you know what I'm talking about

(Source: Reddit)

Dude, Chill

Me: *looking through a telescope*: Wow, the universe is so beautiful God: *placing hands inside black holes*: Thanksssss, it has pockets Not sure which part this failed joke is most cringe-worthy. Perhaps it's the notion that Evangelicals would take their nose's out of their Bible or William Lane Craig's rectal-opening and try noticing the physical universe around them. Or it might be the delusion that one could hear an audible voice from a non-tangible cosmic bearded white guy or his Jewish zombie son. Though, it could possibly be the embarrassing equivalence of a instance of space-time with gravitational acceleration so drastic that light itself cannot escape it (a black hole) to pant pockets. Take your pick!

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After This Guy Called Someone "Low IQ" for Being a Woman

Your bio and profile picture gave me the hint that I was talking to a moron. This is not a conversation between equals, I'm teaching you something and you are being taught. That's a hilarious low IQ cope btw. You can have a low IQ and still be fine. You don't need to cope so hard 12:45 PM · Jul 27, 2021 · Twitter Web App

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Found Another Einstein

Replying to Im more for mandatory IQ tests, anyone that scores less than 150 is culled. A Be no need for vaccines or masks ever again. 7:36 · 14 Jul 21 · Twitter for Android 1 Like

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No One Else Knows What the Moon is

prehersiveNet639 1 19 2d it's a SAT-e-LLITE... ↑-5 / 1d Bruh....I really hate to be that guy... ...but the moon is a natural satellite (also obviously a moon) Source, NASA: forstudents/k-4/stories/nasa-knows/what-is-a- satellite-k4.html In your defense almost nobody knows this, Il'm just a huge space nerd. > mprehens 1d t63 But that's what I said...

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New Subscribers Get a Free Cat Scan

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When You Flip to Random Pages of the Dictionary

This song has a somewhat 90s vibe 54 Add a public reply... thats actually a common misconception. The paradigm inherent to the postmodernist fallacy of a priori knowledge stems from a systemic predilection to binary dichotomies.

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Tweeted from the Local ICU

I am not a member of your cult. ScienceTM is not my God. The white man in a white coat is not my priest. I do not consent to wearing your ritualistic mask, visibly expressing my unwavering obedience to an infallible dogma, nor will I be baptized with your injection. 10:02 PM · Jul 17, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone

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Metaphysical Considerations

hour ago atheism is an inherently right- wing religion. if you actually cared about or understood historical materialism, you'd understand that it demands agnosticism on the subject of metaphysical considerations 3 3 ...

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It's a Replay, That's the Joke…

2 months ago VIU. Dude is so talented he went ahead and did it a second time 凸 67 回 17 Add a public reply... months ago Omg you're so dumb. It's obviously a replay. But people on the internet are so dumb. Unlike me and my friends. Each of them has an IQ od at least 140. And they always come to me if they have questions about quantum physics or philosophy. For me it's so obvious that this is a replay. 凸 13

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Godzilla Had a Stroke Trying to Read This

1d • O I think I'm beginning to identify myself as Anti-Teleology. The question of what's "natural" is always a distraction. Even in presuming a teleological framework, the cash-value of anything is its positive effects on well-being as opposed to it's "natural-ness" 16 Comments Like לו Comment Share

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So Nerdy UwU

on earth: a magiciam puts his hand in his hat in the rabbit realm: The Hand emerges. it is time. the rabit council must chose a sacrifice 2/22/14, 3:21 PM 6,133 RETWEETS 8,512 FAVORITES actually that's not what's happening "magicians" use the techniques such as misdirection and prestidigitation to pull off these illusions.. yes i know i'm nerdy uWu

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On a Post About a Couple Hanging Out

Don't take it personally, but in 100 years, they'll both be death. In 100 years, a mere instant on the massive scale of our universe, nothing will be left of their bodies other than dust. Even if their actions seems affectionate and loving, they are blissfully ignorant that any affection is a mere distraction from the imminent collapse of their conscious mind. Pulling all of their existential energy in an arbitrary construct, the construct of"love", they will reach old age and realize that they will Iose all contact with our world, including "love", in one instant-the moment of death. And they'll fall into a maniacal depression upon reaching their finalyear, a depression worse than any kind of physical pain anyone will ever experience. No! worse, they will tell themselves that they lived a good life, and with the most foolish ignorance they'll plunge into their fckinq qraves like a bird hunting for fish. Enjoy your moment, fools, you most desolate and pitiful of fools, salt of the fcking earth. I'd say pretty sure there's a Cioran quote out there to describe how sad your condition is. And l'd fcking love to whisper it to myself as I pass you on the street. But as I see you all I can think about is how painful life is on the fcking earth. sighs 6 Reply 合 -27

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A Real Keeper

11:59 1 ull 5GE iris lineup Discover Hopefully you are out there. Like me, you are: 1. NOT vaccinated for Covid 19, 2. Within one standard deviation of 140 IQ (roughly 15 points above or below that so it's easier for us to communicate), 3. An empath with an open mind, 4. Interested in conspiracy theories, 5. Looking for something serious but wanting to go slow. Atlanta, GA 5'5 Musically inclined (I used to play cello and saxophone but I can also pick up almost any instrument and play a tune after learning a scale.) It's hard finding people like us, but if you are out there please reach out with something thought- provoking. A lot of people don't read my bio before they hit like and just send "Hi" or “Hey" of which I wean out the men who simply clicked like because l'm pretty lol. Looks aren't everything. I've never met my biological parents. I love Quantum Physics AND JESUS! I'm unusually clingy (the good kind) so I need someone who actually has time for me Pass Maybe Like LIKES

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It's Just Hypothetical

Posted b Quick question out of curiosity If I had a a stick that was 1 light year long, and on one side of the stick was a button and the other side was me, if I pushed that stick from my side would the stick push the button instantly or take one light year? Vote 13 Share BEST COMMENTS V You'd have been better off dreaming of quantum entanglement. 12 The distance you elude to is 5.879 x 10 miles. It's a Catch 22. If you could build it, you couldn't move it. Its stored potential energy will exceed yours soon; you and everything not associated with this Stick would soon be the smaller mass and have little influence on it.

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When You Read Two Books so You're Smarter than Football Fans

All you idiots asking me for one book suggestions are just dumb...why don't you want to read more than one more.. reading books is better than watching a stupid football game followed with fans rioting after the gamee

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World's Smartest Flat Earther

jastin comment: c knowledge oin the globe and flat model than most scientists. I've spoke to many of them and they have no idea how either model works when you really drill down. Been doing this 6 years bud. Most people just memorize textbooks and go along to get along and have never looked into this topic. They risk their entire career and endless ridicule if they ever explore it publicly. I've had pilots and engineers confirm that there is no observable or measurable curvature, anywhere. 10h ge mentioned you in a ci I have more of years PLANDEMIC Reply

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I'm Gonna Be Honest, I Stopped Reading After the First Few Words

•0• 23s The incarnation sentence is commensurate with the enormity of the conviction; they're held accountable for their abhorrent racism, their bellicosity, and the threats to kill the victims. The incendiary, omitted headline is once again attempting to incite 'righteous indignation' by dereliction of duty. If you cannot report with unambiguous, exoteric facts then refrain from embellishments, omission, or equivocation on the reprehensibility of racism.

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School Bad, Climate Change Good

6h School is where the lies are formulated. I haven't been in school for 30 years. My engineering background proves contrary to humans responsibility. Plus Climate change is Good. Makes us adapt and forces investment to improve cities aging infrastructure. Everyone benefits from improved infrastructure.

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