
20 AI-Generated Images Hiding Words And Memes

Two ai art images with secret words and pictures hidden in them from the following collection.
Two ai art images with secret words and pictures hidden in them from the following collection.

Published September 21, 2023

Published September 21, 2023

Love it or hate it, artificial intelligence is here to stay — so we might as well have some fun with it. A few months ago, engineers made ControlNet, an addon to Stable Diffusion, one of the most advanced image generation models. ControlNet made it so the AI could draw two prompts at the same time. One of the earliest ideas for how to use this was to make it easier to put QR codes into AI-generated images of other things — so that if you were an Italian restaurant, maybe you could make a QR code picture that looked like a plate of spaghetti, and would still scan.

But fans and enthusiasts of AI art quickly found other uses for the new technology — including making a new kind of optical illusion. They learned how to put Hidden Words In AI Art. If any of these aren't clear to you, try stepping back from your screen. It may allow you to see it all in a new light. It still takes skill from the human to prompt the AI so it can produce the hidden word in a way that's fun rather than too obvious or too difficult. You can try it out yourself using the generator at Glif, an AI art site.

It's All Gonna Be

(Source: Twitter)

You've Lost

(Source: Twitter)

Sorry about that. But we had to do it to you.

All You Need

(Source: Twitter)

In The Mainframe

(Source: Twitter)

Howls At Moon

(Source: Twitter)

Eat Up

(Source: Twitter)

Just in case you didn't already know what it was.

Wear It Out

(Source: Twitter)

Look It Up

(Source: Twitter)

Political Commentary

(Source: Twitter)

There are some more serious applications for the optical illusion also!


(Source: Twitter)

As They Say

(Source: Twitter)

Two Sides To Riding The Bus

(Source: Twitter)

Just Don't Buy Into Commercialism

(Source: Reddit)

A lot of people on the AI art subreddits that generate this stuff, like /r/stablediffusion, know that corporations will eventually want to use the technology, so they're trying to get ahead of them.


(Source: Twitter)

Never Gonna Give You Up

(Source: Reddit)

This one's not a word, but even so -- can't you hear it in your head now?

I Won't

(Source: Twitter)


(Source: Glif)

Spot It

(Source: Glif)

The Church

(Source: Twitter)

Is this how we feel about it?

This One's Tough

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: ai art, stable diffusion, controlnet, ai generated, artificial intelligence, memes, hidden text, words, puzzles, entertainment, artwork,