Two images from r/Me_IRL

20 Memes You'll Relate To On Another Level

There are many memes out there to share and enjoy, but one of the simplest yet most effective kinds of memes are relatable memes. This genre of memes contains the ones that explain a very specific yet common situation, reaction or mood. They are the ones that you read and say "me" quietly to yourself. It's really fun when you see a meme that describes a situation you've been in or a feeling you've felt that you never thought anyone else had experienced before. Seeing something you've done in a meme and realizing it is actually a rather commonly shared experience brings on a funny sense of familiarity and companionship. We aren't all so different.

Reddit's /r/Me_IRL is a subreddit dedicated to sharing the most relatable memes. The term Me IRL stands for "me in real life," which is just the term that is used when something on the internet translates to something in real life. Here are just a few relatable memes… Have you ever been in any of these strange, specific situations?

Miss That

Big miss This is how we turned on our computers in the 2000s

(Source: Reddit)

Great Feeling

Me as a kid reading the back of the box of my new video game, over and over again on the car ride home: F BOY POKEMON

(Source: Reddit)

Sorry About That

me trying to open up to someone. IG: @mazerik Thee

(Source: Reddit)

I Got It

"Don't worry, dinner's on me tonight. 11

(Source: Reddit)


Food Hacks Nutritionists Say That Pizza Is A Healthier Breakfast Than Cereal By March 5th, 2019 -I believe every word that man just said - because it's exactly what I wanted to hear

(Source: Reddit)

So True

January 3 at 6:37 PM - * it's so hard being a single mom when you have no kids and are a male teenager Like Comment 47 3

(Source: Reddit)

You Decide

IF NOT WHEN? Ifno Tw Tw Hen? Iftw Nohen Tw? If Tw No Tw Hen? Ifnotw Twhen? If not now then when? If No Tw Tw Hen? Ifnotwtwhen? If Tw No Hen? Tw STRANA DELLINK ERNET

(Source: Reddit)

Who Are You

When your friend with glasses takes their glasses off

(Source: Reddit)

The Worst

me- *stretches myself while lying in the bed* my leg muscles-

(Source: Reddit)


When you think of the perfect comeback but the argument was a month ago esberat

(Source: Reddit)


it's not that i'm not a "morning person" i love mornings I'm just not a "waking up person"

(Source: Reddit)

Never Answering

Me looking at my phone waiting for it to stop ringing so I can get back to what I was doing

(Source: Reddit)

Every Time

You find a good YouTuber They're funny and relatable They have videos about topics that you enjoy They get exposed as a horrible person Ber Bernie Berni Ber com OF 17763 1776 OF OF

(Source: Reddit)

Math Things

27) 201 The volume of a cylinder is found using the formula V = r²h. Using π = 5, r = 10 and h = 10. Find the volume, V. π is what

(Source: Reddit)

The Spark in Question

darcie wilder ok @333333333433333 "but antidepressants will make me lose my spark," i thought, while unable to eat, leave my apartment, or write just 1 sentence for 6 months

(Source: Reddit)

Just Frustration

There needs to be a word for when you're starving but would also rather die than eat any of the food in your kitchen.

(Source: Reddit)


have u ever ate a date yea Today 3:55 PM its a fruit.. ate a date? wym? like ate their Read 3:56 PM

(Source: Reddit)

McNot Happy

Is it just me or has Mcdonald's gone from a happy child to a depressed middle- aged adult? McDonald's E McDonald's

(Source: Reddit)

No Regrets

me sacrificing my career for eight extra minutes of sleep ig: realpettymayo

(Source: Reddit)

I'm Doing My Part

Me Nothing Humanity

(Source: Reddit)

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