20 Photos Of Food Served On Everything But A Plate
There's a strange revolution occurring in the professional and commercial culinary world. For some reason, plates are out of style and everything that isn't a plate is in style. This questionable phenomenon is popping up everywhere and no cuisine is safe from this new, hip, artisan food serving style. It's not just your regular fancy plating styles anymore, such as a nice wooden slab, either. Everything from shovels to soup cans and hats are being utilized as makeshift plates. Maybe the over-the-top, bewildering presentation is there to make up for a subpar meal, or maybe it's used purely to gain social media attention. Maybe the chefs really just think they're doing something revolutionary and world-changing.
Whatever it is, it's bizarre, and I can assure you that when I go out to eat all I want is a plate. This strange shift has resulted in Reddit's /r/wewantplates, which is exactly what everyone who took the photos shared are likely chanting. Here are 20 extremely strange non-plates (and some cups) being used to serve meals to customers. Bon appetite.
Guess what happens next.
So close.
Kinda looks like a little toilet.
Just one degree of separation.
We want cups too.
I mean there is a plate, so why was this necessary?
Weird crossover, yeehaw.