
21 Ridiculous Stock Photos The World Has Absolutely No Use For

Two stock photos in the following collection
Two stock photos in the following collection

Published August 16, 2023

Published August 16, 2023

The following photos come from stock photo websites, where they're advertised as photos you can use in your personal blog, business website, training course or wherever else you deem fit. Most stock photos are useful and can be a good way to add some interesting photos to whatever you're working on. Other stock photos are a bit too interesting. Sometimes, there's a stock photo that stands out among the rest, because for whatever reason, they make absolutely no sense, and there's no context in which they'd ever need to be used.

We've gathered a few of these today, so that you may theorize on their origins. Who thought this was a good idea? Who made people pose for this? How do they still have a job? Is this part of an equally weird stock photo series? These images are so nonsensical that they look like they were created by a malfunctioning AI, but they're very real. Here are 21 of them.

When Jobs Want 10 Years Experience, But You're 20

(Source: Reddit)

When You Can't Afford the Dentist

(Source: Reddit)

Hare Piece

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Lethal Weapon

(Source: Reddit)

Mortgage Contract

(Source: Reddit)

Why Is She Smiling?

Safety First

(Source: Reddit)

Getting Political

(Source: Reddit)

The Egg Man

(Source: Reddit)

Real-Life Big Bird

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Prayer Time

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

When Life Gives You Lemons

(Source: Reddit)

Chicken Coop

(Source: Reddit)

I Love to Swim in the Road

(Source: Reddit)

Drone Fan

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Tags: awkward stock photos, stock photos, weird stock photos, getty images, cats, weird, collections,