22 Absolutely Unhinged Social Media Users Spreading Their Terrible Ideas
Sometimes, people on social media come together, then bring out the worst in one another. Online communities are full of toxicity and bizarre conspiracies that most people in their right minds would ever consider. Usually, it's political, but other times, it's just plain stupid. There are also lots of people who, completely unprompted and unsupported by others online, will post some of the most ridiculous things anyone's ever seen, and often, the two groups are pretty indistinguishable from one another.
Below, we've gathered some of the most bizarre posts from unhinged social media users who simply couldn't help themselves. From the weird to the scary to the just plain wrong, there's a lot to unpack here, and quite a few strange posts to pick through. Here are 22 of our so-called "favorite" posts from people who were caught acting insane on social media and ruining the online experience for the rest of us.
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