22 People Getting Caught Lying Online

There are lots of reasons why a person may lie about something in their life. Many times lies are non-consequential, so they really don't have a major impact on others. Sometimes lies are more serious, and probably shouldn't have been said. One thing about all lies, though, is that if you are gonna do it, you better do it well and not get caught. Getting caught in a lie is one of the most embarrassing things that can happen, especially if you don't have a good reason for the lie. It's awkward trying to explain yourself and it makes telling the truth from the beginning sound a whole lot better.
Lies aren't just for real life. People lie on the internet all the time as well. Usually, it's to gain some online clout and false sympathy. It's a strange thing for people to do, but it happens a lot. Reddit has a few subreddits dedicated to sharing times people got called out for their bad lies. Sometimes the lie is just that bad, and sometimes their digital footprint catches up to them. Here are 22 embarrassing moments of people getting caught in super silly lies.