
24 Awful Takes Disguised As Memes

Two boomer humor memes in the following collection
Two boomer humor memes in the following collection

Published August 10, 2023

Published August 10, 2023

Not all memes are created equal. In fact, some are really bad. We're speaking, of course, of Facebook, and the memes that lie in its darkest corners. While the site may have a lot of great meme pages and communities, it's also home to some complete idiocy, often put into the convenient form of a meme, if you could even call these butchered formats and rude jokes "memes."

Deep in the depths of Facebook lie some very bad memes, created by the older generations for the sake of appealing to the standard sense of humor known as "Boomer humor," and as you might expect, it's not that great. These memes are the sorts of things you'd find on your weird aunt's page, the kind of posts she keeps tagging you in even though you'd never respond to them (and you shouldn't).

Back to School

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

This meme is brought to you by 1940s Germany.

Barbenheimer Superiority

(Source: Reddit)

The Sound of Freedom controversy happens to be coinciding with two other releases that have gained far more interest in most circles.

Pro-Bullying Meme

(Source: Reddit)

I Have No Idea

(Source: Reddit)

Shaming Successful Childfree Women

(Source: Reddit)

Don't You Dare Show Those Knees

(Source: Reddit)

According to this, a conscience only appears after the fabric drops below the knees.

Please Don't Skip Environmental Science, Kids

(Source: Reddit)

The Hottest Summer Ever Recorded, You Mean?

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

The Domino Effect

(Source: Reddit)

Kids These Days Won't Understand

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Wholesome Child Abuse Meme

(Source: Reddit)

Kids Still Do This

(Source: Reddit)

"Small Town Values"

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Back To The '80s Values

(Source: Reddit)

At least you could buy a house back then for less than a year's worth of our rent. Actually, you know what? Send me back.

This One Is Something Else

(Source: Reddit)

OP Is a Loser

(Source: Reddit)

Children Used to Die on These

(Source: Reddit)

There's a reason playgrounds got rid of these things.

Men Who Don't Want to Get Sick

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: terrible facebook memes, boomer humor, bad memes, boomer memes, facebook memes, sound of freedom, barbenheimer, oppenheimer, barbie, karen, karens, collections,