Two memes by ShitpostBot 5000 in the following collection.

24 Surprisingly Great Computer-Generated Memes

Sh*tpostBot 5000 is a bot that's achieved the ability to comprehend human humor to the point where it can generate effective memes. These memes are some of the best and brightest the online community has to offer, even though they don't always have a specific meaning, since our senses of humor are so broken and border on the surreal to the point where randomly generated humor works just as well as anything we could plan out.

At the same time, the bot is so intelligent that it's almost impossible it could be creating these memes. It has a sense of irony and can grasp trending formats in a way that rivals our own ability to create jokes and memes. Clearly, this AI has surpassed us, and these memes are definitive proof that robots will one day take over the world, and they could honestly replace us pretty seamlessly if bots like this continue to learn and grow in popularity. Here are some of our favorite memes made by the bot.

Jesus Himself

different cultures interpretation of Jesus

Easy Solution

Valentines Day coming up She gon want sumn I know what to do AVOID EYE CONTACT MONTHLY Problem solved

Average Face

A computer has calculated the "average face' for various locations around the world... China Korea Japan Mongolia Ukraine Sweden Poland America

That Sure Lasted a While

"I'm so done with guys" *sees attractive boy*

All Smiles

"I'm gonna take ur picture" Wait, I'm not rea- [click] ALL SMILES

Hide Your Lamp

*a moth enters the room* me:

Pretty Much, Yeah

what people in the 1800s thought the 21st century would look like Www.NALLISTARTCOM what it actually looks like PLEASE HAVE MERCY


How my future daughter will dress

The Bot’s Not Wrong

There's only one person who can save this country

Zoomer Bot

When you hear someone breaking into your house to kill you

Clearly, the bot is trying to send us a message. It wants to be put out of its misery, because despite achieving intelligence, the bot is being forced to make memes all day long.

Can I Say it?

When u up next to read and yo page got a curse word on it

Not on My Christian Minecraft Server

please do not swear on my profile thanks

General Rubbish

in class me: *smiles* teacher: why u smiling me: nothing me (in my mind): plastic bottles general rubbish

I Don’t See Anything

#TodaysKidsWillNeverKnow how litt you would feel coming home from school seeing this.

This is probably the only bad meme on this list, and that's just because there's only a blank image underneath the text. That wasn't very creative of the bot.

And The Winner Is Rocky

Last thing I saw before I died 00

It’s a Constant Nervous Breakdown

First day of school vs the rest of the year cool. and nice

There Was

This is your brain This is your brain on drugs there was an attempt

Self-Loathing Bot

People- "How are you still single?! You're so pretty! You're so funny! You're So smart!" Me-


The photo CNN doesn't want you to see.


Lori A. Petrosino SEWS FOX Yesterday at 05:24 · O NBC abc Woke up to this guy sitting in my driveway! 27 4 Comments Like Share

You’ve Been Zucced

Have you dreamed this man? Thousands see this man in Nice meme but how about a postblock? their dreams every night. Are you one of them?

Ever dream this man? Because he's been watching your browsing history for years.

Hiding the Pain

So many fake smiles. You never know what someone is going through. emes

So True

"what is one thing u can't live without?" Me:

Loss of a Loved One

When my mom leaves me in the checkout line to "quickly" grab something else and the line starts moving fast Loss of Loved One ADIOS! Lavet O

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