24 Terrible Memes Made By Overly Devoted Fans

There is a fandom for just about anything anyone can think of. Anything that has the potential to have a fanbase surely will develop a group of people who obsess over the topic at great lengths. While fandoms and all they entail have been around for a long time, the online presence is a modern thing, and commonly associated with fandoms are things like fan art, fanfiction and, of course, memes. Some of the content that comes out of fandoms in terms of memes is just unbearable though.
It isn't clear why fandom memes are so cringeworthy. They utilize dead memes, old memes and just unfunny, poorly made jokes. They are just straight-up difficult to see. Reddit's /r/terriblefandommemes was made to shame some of the worst memes to come from fandoms all across the board. The subreddit doesn't discriminate, there are bad memes everywhere, just like these.