25 Memes Made From Famous Works Of Art

The world of art is always changing, and nowadays, memes are pretty much a modern art form on their own. Creators of memes have found ways to convey meaning through a simple image, so it's basically the same thing, just with less effort and a lot more swear words. While we may recognize infamous memes easily, we often forget about classical artwork that we learned about long ago in school. That's why some fans of art have decided to adapt old works of art to create memes, because that way, we'll remember them.
Is this disrespectful to the artists? Maybe, but they're dead, so ultimately, they can't have much of a say in the matter. Some people are against this type of meme for obvious reasons, but others are very much here for it, as it adapts these works into a new source of entertainment for a whole new generation when they might otherwise fall into obscurity. Where do you stand? Take a look at some of our favorite classical art memes and see for yourself.
The Familiar Throne
(Source: Reddit)
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