Two memes from Reddit's /r/me_irl

25 Relatable Memes About Living, Laughing And Loving

Life is a grind. The apartment gets dirty almost as soon as you clean it, and the 9 to 5 is always there at the other end of your dreams, waiting for you when you get into bed each night. There's a lot to celebrate in living and a lot of fun to be had in spending time with family, friends, pets and other companions.

One of these companions are the internet friends whose faces we may never see and whose voices we may never hear. These friends who find us through the smartphones that ride as pocket passengers to our appointments and obligations, day in and day out.

Some of these companions are on Reddit's /r/me_irl, the internet's number one place for relatable memes, sharing what they've known and learned in lives well-lived.

9 To 5

How to make money Work

(Source: Reddit)


When people say videogames make you violent but you're too scared to click the rude dialogue option because you don't want to hurt the NPC's feelings

(Source: Reddit)

Vicious Cycle

FIE Using my phone because I can't sleep Can't sleep because I'm using my phone

(Source: Reddit)

The Desire To Escape

jes_king_williams hope this email finds you-" STOP FINDING MEEEEE O C a ? → D 6 m

(Source: Reddit)

The Holy Way

How I feel after talking politely to someone who was rude to me

(Source: Reddit)


Emily Murnane @emily_murnane I just think it's messed up that couch sleepy never directly translates to bed sleepy

(Source: Reddit)


DIST ECHNO What's your desired salary? What's the job pay?

(Source: Reddit)

Accurate Diagram

02 AMIV 239AT AMIN 239AT AMIV I'm here Just joking I'm here hahaha fine fine I'm here

(Source: Reddit)

It's In The Eyes

the man I pulled by having a deep profound sadness in my eyes that you only see in medieval paintings TO ENJO me 7.

(Source: Reddit)

If You Are Reading This Past 12:30 AM, Stop

congratulations @slurpitydurpity you're exhausted and mentally drained but cant fall asleep

(Source: Reddit)

For Some

What social interactions look like What they feel like: ساسا PASTELKATTO

(Source: Reddit)

Self Care For Real

i'm literally fine as long as i don't think about the past or the future and also the present

(Source: Reddit)

Toe Beans

When you are having a bad day, but the cat believes in you

(Source: Reddit)

Sharing The Knowledge

*me telling my mom a secret* my mom the next day:

(Source: Reddit)

Full Of Air

Is this glass half empty or half full? Lay's It's completely full You're hired! @ YourBolAlan

(Source: Reddit)

For You

Stop Using Anti-Self Language Instead of: I was wrong I'm sorry People should control the government Thank you I'm not funny Say: You are wrong I didn't do anything wrong I should control the entire world I ALONE DECIDE WHA IS FUNNY

(Source: Reddit)

On The Road Again

Me driving calmly 435 My dad for no reason

(Source: Reddit)

How It Be

Couples costumes be like: GF costume: BF costume:

(Source: Reddit)

Your Parents Are Always There For You

< Dad Thanks dad Text Message Yesterday 16:12 Can you call me a taxi at 7am tomorrow? Today 07:00 Ok 1019 You're a taxi

(Source: Reddit)

It's So Over

Just saw someone younger than me being extremely talented. Day ruined.

(Source: Reddit)

The Let Down

When you thought you were special to someone 0.0

(Source: Reddit)


current financial situation:

(Source: Reddit)


me doing one hour of selfcare after doing 23hours of self-destruction

(Source: Reddit)

Many Such Cases, Sadly

Hey, that was a cool dream / Just now! About the... 1 What dream?

(Source: Reddit)

A Little Cheesy

(Source: Reddit )

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