
30 DIY Projects Made By Unstable Individuals

Two DIY fails
Two DIY fails

Published October 31, 2023

Published October 31, 2023

We've all experimented with DIY projects at one point or another. They're a fun way to create something new, even if they usually don't turn out as expected. DIYers sometimes can be very passionate about DIYing things, and this often is to a fault. Sometimes, they will DIY things that no sane person would ever DIY. From utility repairs that just should have been left to professionals to some truly disturbing ideas someone felt the need to create for no apparent reason, there's a lot of
DIY fails in existence.

DIY fails are a great reminder of why we typically choose to buy products instead of making them ourselves. At the same time, people are also DIYing pointless things because they're not available in stores, which is also not a good sign that they're worth your time. Like terrible car mods, for example, which probably aren't even legal to drive and are definitely stupid-looking anyway. But whether it's a dangerous car modification or food that looks pretty disgusting and should never, ever be eaten, lots of DIY fails have been found in the wild lately, and many of them are cringeworthy or just plain gross. Always remember to just go to the store and save yourself the heartache, but judging by these DIYs, people were really determined to get something done the wrong way. Here are some of our favorite new DIY fails.

A Shot Glass

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

I’m Scared to Know What This Is For

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

If It Works, It Works

(Source: Reddit)

Easy Fix

(Source: Reddit)

No Thanks

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Something Doesn't Check Out

(Source: Reddit)

We Didn't Need This

(Source: Reddit)

For the Barbie Hype

(Source: Reddit)

This Can't Be Safe

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Perfect for Halloween

(Source: Reddit)

A "Replaceable Memory Battery" for Sale

(Source: Reddit)

Ruined Car Sun Roof

(Source: Reddit)

How Much Do You Love Your Truck?

(Source: Reddit)

A Watermelon Boat

(Source: Reddit)

Nice Wheels

(Source: Reddit)

A Door Turned Into an Unusable Table

(Source: Reddit)

Stay Classy, Etsy

(Source: Reddit)

The DIY Way to Ruin Ice Cream

(Source: Reddit)

The Cowboy Leg Desk

(Source: Reddit)

Strawberry Moon Water

(Source: Reddit)

Looking Good

(Source: Reddit)

Gaming Glasses

(Source: Reddit)

Anything Can Be A Grill

(Source: Reddit)

Ramen in Resin Necklace

(Source: Reddit)

A Vegan Recreation of ET

(Source: Reddit)

Peak Engineering

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: diy, diy fails, fail, diy projects, diwhy, reddit, weird, thanks i hate it, collections,