According To Twitter, It Looks Like We're Getting Aliens Next

Welcome to another day in 2020, where one should pretty much expect the unexpected. Yesterday, the Pentagon declassified three videos featuring UFO's that many have already seen, thanks to a combination of the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program and To the Stars Academy of Arts and Science, a company co-founded by former Blink-182 member Tom DeLonge.
While the videos have been circulating for several years, it was the Pentagon's choice to declassify them yesterday that led many to lose their minds on Twitter, sending aliens, Tom DeLonge, and the hashtag #aliensarealive to trend for hours. In addition, many were concerned with the government choosing to release the videos during a global pandemic, when stress and anxiety are at an all time high. Is it safe to say that we should be expecting aliens soon? Or perhaps we should wait for Bigfoot to make an appearance first?
Pentagon declassifies three previously leaked top secret U.S. Navy videos of "unexplained aerial phenomena"--and that some believe could show UFOs.
— ABC News (@ABC) April 27, 2020
And so, the alien invasion begins.
So with the Pentagon confirming UFO’s and Aliens exist, 2020 really said:
— Cinememes (@Cinememes_) April 28, 2020
Perhaps they were just responding to Trump's suggestion that we drink bleach?
The aliens when they heard Trump’s “Bleach Speech”
— Saint Hoax (@SaintHoax) April 28, 2020
Some were happy to welcome the news.
When I see aliens are trending on Twitter and soon there'll be alien invasion #ufo2020 #UFOs #aliensarereal
— That bitch 💀 (@greysky000) April 28, 2020
While others spent their time wondering what the aliens might actually look like.
At this point, we have no evidence that aliens don’t look like this. #aliensarereal
— Aspiring Avenger (@TheFiFiGalvan) April 28, 2020
By staying home, we've cleared the way to finally see the skies.
Due to less pollution, we can see UFO's.#ufo2020 #aliensarereal
— Sai Raj (@SadRajjj) April 28, 2020
Some users were happy to bring some logic to the conversation.
Y’all do know UFO doesn’t automatically mean aliens right? It’s just an unidentifiable flying object. I mean aliens are probably real though but the term UFO isn’t mutually exclusive to them
— mac kahey (@MacDoesIt) April 28, 2020
To others, this was all of the evidence they needed.
#aliensarereal Of course it’s Aliens, why wouldn’t it be. 2020 keeps on giving
— Elle (@ElleVsWorld) April 28, 2020
Especially Kid Cudi, who tweeted that Jaden Smith had already confirmed their existence.
Aliens are real. Jaden told me so. He says he knows a couple and they bring him snacks some time. Rice krispies, cookies. U know. The good stuff.
— The Chosen One (@KidCudi) April 27, 2020
This year is truly beginning to play out like a film.
Guys, seeing 2021 is becoming mission impossible. really #aliensarereal #ufo2020 #UFOs
— Rishi (@rishi7357) April 28, 2020
Some were happy to offer up some plot suggestions.
what if the aliens land but die from corona and their planet takes that as an act of war?
— Desus Nice (@desusnice) April 28, 2020
Important questions were asked.
Do you think the aliens think we’re ugly?
— John Roberts (@JohnRobertsFun) April 28, 2020
can someone ask the aliens if they need beats?
— Thomas Wesley (@diplo) April 28, 2020
Many were left wondering why the Pentagon chose to release this news during the current global crisis.
Me watching those UFO videos and ignoring what motives the pentagon might have for releasing them #aliensarereal
— Courtney (@Ceejifer) April 28, 2020
When the Pentagon just casually released UFO videos during an national emergency. #aliensarereal
— Thiago Pickles (@Ajax_1223) April 28, 2020
Some users observed that we had other things to worry about.
Everyone is too depressed to care about aliens existing
— Ryan O'Connell (@ryanoconn) April 28, 2020
Former Blink-182 member Tom DeLonge released his own thoughts on the Pentagon finally confirming the videos.
With today’s events and articles on my and
— Tom DeLonge (tomdelonge) April 28, 2020TTSAcademy
’s efforts to get the US Gov to start the grand conversation, I want to thank every share holder at To The Stars for believing in us. Next, we plan on pursuing the technology, finding more answers and telling the stories.
Many people commended DeLonge in his long journey to prove that aliens exist.
1999: Blink Writes #AliensExistTom Delonge in 2020:
— It's Not A Phase Mom (@RichxPTC) April 28, 2020
Perhaps he should run for political office next?
Tom DeLonge every time UFOs are back in the news
— will for thrill (@willforthrill) April 28, 2020
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