August's 15 Best Memes From Reddit's 'Memes'

Reddit's /r/memes is certainly one of the most memorable subreddits in existence. Most memes originate on Reddit nowadays, and since this subreddit is home to over twenty million subscribers, it's understandable why its memes are such a huge deal. Some of the biggest memes out there have originated on this sub, and millions of people have shared its content across platforms over the years.
Now, you can say you saw these memes before they were cool, because we've chosen some of the biggest memes from the subreddit this month before they've been spread across every other platform in existence. Now, they're still fresh jokes and they're funnier than they'll ever be in the future. These memes are some of the most upvoted posts to the subreddit, chosen by millions of the sub's members, so they're certainly the best ones this month has to offer. Here are some of August 2022's best memes from /r/memes.
They’re the Worst Drivers Out There
Better Draw a Face on a Volleyball to Cope
Those Poor Kids
They're going to need therapy until high school.
They Must Feel So Accomplished
What a Great Doctor
I Still Don’t Even Use the Free Ones
What's the deal with these, really? Why would you pay money for this?
I Feel Personally Attacked
This one feels too real.
This Guy’s Got An Impressive Useless Talent
I bet his mom is proud.
Red Flag Sighted
The Dark Ages
I’m Sorry, Waltuh
They're about to get yelled at when they get home, because they're certainly not going to pick up what she asked for.
Procrastination Is a Great Skill
Every semester, I would write ten-page essay two hours before it was due, despite having over a month to do it, and I regret nothing.