Since the dawn of the internet, cats have firmly held their title as the rulers of the web. Beginning with the cat-themed Usenet groups of the 1990s, through 4chan's Caturday and LOLcats of the mid-2000s, felines have more than proven their ability to remain some of the best subjects for memes.
In honor of #InternationalCatDay, check out our collection of some of the best cat memes to grace the internet with their adorable presence.
Spielberg's 'West Side Story' is seriously looking great you guys
(Source: KYM)
That's gross, but your harmony is outstanding
(Source: KYM)
Prime Day steals!
(Source: KYM)
Only if you help me get out of bed
(Source: KYM)
TSA should allow it
(Source: Reddit)
One of these is not like the other
(Source: KYM)
Everybody has a job in this family
(Source: KYM)
No one else loves #InternationalCatDay more than Alf
(Source: KYM)
Give her the pawlitzer prize already
(Source: KYM)
It helps that the rate is cheap
(Source: KYM)
Me on an airplane tbh
(Source: KYM)
Gambling addictions are no joke
(Source: KYM)
The only personal trainer I trust
(Source: KYM)
Harsh way to find out
(Source: Tumblr)
FYI, it's worth a lot on eBay
(Source: KYM)
We all do
(Source: KYM)
brb. Hiding underneath the table
(Source: Reddit)
So many lives to fail at
(Source: KYM)
Rest in power, Queen
(Source: KYM)
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