
Twitter Reacts To Alex Trebek's New Heartfelt Video

A collection of tweets in response to Alex Trebek's update on his pancreatic cancer battle.
A collection of tweets in response to Alex Trebek's update on his pancreatic cancer battle.

Published March 04, 2020

Published March 04, 2020

We have a new motivational video for you, and it comes from a delightful Canadian and beloved host of Jeopardy!, Alex Trebek. After announcing he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, Trebek has received an outpouring of love and support from fans of the show and people who are either battling cancer or know people that are. Today, Trebek took to the official Jeopardy! Twitter account to announce that he had surpassed the one-year survival rate for one of the deadliest cancers in the world in a video that immediately went viral. Naturally, Trebek's name began to trend as many shared the video with additional messages of support and love for how vulnerable and inspiring his words were.


Initially many users tweeted their concern after seeing Trebek's name trend.





An overwhelming sense of admiration for Trebek's emotional words took over Twitter.


Some users were interested in changing their Super Tuesday vote after seeing this video.

One user pointed out that Twitter can actually provide some positivity in the darkest of times.

Some were inclined to appreciate their life more after viewing the video.

Alex Trebek had officially replaced Shia LaBeouf as the king of inspirational speeches.

He also reminded some users of Mr. Rogers.

In addition to filming this video, it appers Trebek also donated $100,000 to a nonprofit this month.

One user was so moved that they even wrote his words down.

PanCAN, an organization that seeks to inform and assist patients of pancreatic cancer were happy to showcase Trebek's story.

One doctor even stepped in to confirm how important a positive mindset is in terms of battling cancer.


One thing is for sure, we can't wait to see Alex Trebek's second-year anniversary video.

Tags: alex trebek, jeopardy, twitter, pancreatic cancer, cancer rates, motivational speeches,

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