Two blursed images

We Need Answers For These 16 Bizarre Images

Sometimes, we love to explore completely unexplainable things. We're not entirely sure why. Maybe it's because we can make up our own explanations and hope they're true. Maybe we like that nagging feeling that something's not quite right, but we can't say for sure what was actually happening because of the sheer strangeness of the images in question. Or maybe we just like to feel a little uncomfortable because of how nonsensical these things are with no hope of ever knowing why. Either way, this is why we have content that's meant to confuse you, and the more confusing it is, the better it is.

Have you ever seen a picture that makes you stop and stare for an embarrassing amount of time? If not, we've selected 16 of these types of images from the subreddit /r/hmmm which will undoubtedly confuse but also amuse you. It might be best to avoid the last photo if you're afraid of snakes.

Florida Fashion Week?


(Source: Reddit)

Which One Is Real?

(Source: Reddit)

My Favorite Scene from Inception

(Source: Reddit)

Way Too Many Questions


(Source: Reddit)

What's The Wi-Fi?


(Source: Reddit)

What A Fun Way To Die

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

I Would Scream


(Source: Reddit)

This Game Better Be Free

(Source: Reddit)

Now Everyone Will Join The Military

(Source: Reddit)

An Actual Restaurant Dedicated To French Fries Please


(Source: Reddit)

An Actual Rocking Chair

(Source: Reddit)

Art Museum Worthy

(Source: Reddit)

A Street Performer Needing An Exorcism

(Source: Reddit)

Please Let This Be Real

Merupakan sediaan padat kompak dbuat secara kempa cetak deam tertu ng pipih atau sirkuler kedua permkaan rata tau cembuns mengandung sun obat atau lebih dengan atau tanga bahan tambahan Macam macam tablet Tahlet Kempa paling banyak diounakan, kra dacat bervarias, berta serta penandaannya terpanturg desion cetakan Tablet Cetak dibuat dengan memberkan tekanan rendah pads massa lembab dalam abang cetakan Tablet Traurat tablet kempa atau cetak beetuk kecl umumys sinds Sudah jarang dinemukan Tablet Hipodermik dbuat daribahan yang mudah lant etau melat sempuma dalam ar. Dulu untuk membuat sedaan injeksi hipoderm sekarang diberikan secara oral Tablet Subingual dkehendaki efek cepat (idak lewat hat) Digunakan dengan meletakkan tablet d basah idah Tablet Bukal digunakan dengan meletakkandantara piol dan pa Tablet Efervescen tabiet larut dalam a Harus dkemas dalam wadh tertutup rapet atau kemasan tahan lembab Pada etket tetula dak urtu langsung ditelan . Tablet Kunyah cara penggunaannya dikunyah Mennggakan sisa enak di rongga mulut, mudah ditelan, tdak meningpakan rasa pahit, ata tidak enak Tablet Salut Guis ini merupakan tablet tabiet kempa yang tendiri da penyalut gula. Tujuan penyalutan ini adalah untuk meindungi obat dari udara dan kelembapan serta memberi rasa atau untk menghindarkan pemakaiannya akibat rasa atau beu bahan obet Contohnya: Pahezon Arcalion • Tablet Salut Selagt, tablet ini disalut dengan sesput yang ls an arut atau hancur di daerah lambung unus Contohnya Fitoger deag du URepeoueg enguad • Tablet Ko BOSS annya memerlukan lebih dari satuka teap Decolgen Tablet Salut Enter hancur dilambung t STA ORIGINAL

(Source: Reddit)

Brb, Vomiting

(Source: Reddit)

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