'While The World Was Fighting Over TP, My Toddler Gave Ours A Bath': 22 Times Kids Were Hilariously Dumb
We've all done dumb things in our childhood, but some are worse (and way funnier) than others. Whether you love or hate children, you know there's always something bizarre to unpack every time a kid comes up with a new "hobby" or pressing question about existence. From kids who faked amnesia and wound up in the hospital to toddlers with ridiculous comments towards their parents, here are some of the best dumb things children have done as curated by Reddit, Twitter and other sites for confused adults.
"When I turned 4, my mom gave me the decision to either be normal and go to the zoo for my birthday, or to a fan store. Guess what 4 year old me wanted?"
(Source: Reddit)
"That time I figured out how to take the lid off of the vent, and proceeded to get stuck in it."
(Source: Reddit)