
Did 'Adam22' Hook Up With A 16-Year-Old Girl In His 20s? The 'No Jumper' Allegations Explained

The No Jumper podcast is no stranger to controversy, but the recent viral allegations against its creator and host Adam22 are particularly disturbing. While the allegations first came forward in 2018, they're now going viral again after a predator poaching creator confronted Adam on his own podcast, inspiring rapper Lil Pump to make similar allegations. Here's what you need to know.

What Are The Allegations Made Against Adam22?

In 2018, a Twitter user posted a series of allegations against No Jumper's Adam22 claiming that he met with a 16-year-old Canadian girl when he was in his 20s, then sexually assaulted her when she turned 19. The victim made an official statement on the B9 forums that year, calling Adam22 a "serial sexual predator."

by ooGracie » Thu Mar 22, 2018 10:14 pm I am posting this on behalf of a friend -- please do not PM me about this unless you need me to deliver a message to Desiree, or help in some way. Desiree wrote: Adam22 aka Adam Grandmaison is a serial sexual predator who manipulated and r---- and abused me when I was a teenage girl. He documented it for everyone to see. His method is to doxx women or try to shame them publicly into silence. He has done this multiple times not only to women but to children as well. He demeans women and rubs it in their faces, while hiding behind a twitter army of 14 year old boys who laugh and cheer him on. He's empowered. Adam hates women. There's nothing he's done in his life to disprove that and there is a s--- ton of evidence to support his rampant physical and psychological abuse. Does he honestly think he can commit these horrible acts for years and just walk scott free? F--- him. I know he's s------- his pants right now, despite whatever garbage he decides to tweet when he comes out of hiding. He knows all the horrible things he done. He knows he's 100% guilty. And he knows there's a massive reckoning coming for him. This isn't a secret at all. It's been underneath all our noses for years. Adam has even written and posted details of these incriminating events all himself. Adam stole years from my life, plunged me into a deep depression and affected every relationship I have to this day. Every day I suffer from PTSD and anxiety because of what he did to me. He deserves every single thing that happens to him. Karma is a bitch. A powerful, strong, and NEWLY empowered bitch and Adam's time is up. ooGracie made out with Jesse Camp Posts: 18248 Joined: Fri Oct 10, 2008 1:13 am. Location: Los Angeles, CA

The allegations also brought forward a blog post, allegedly written by Adam22, where he apparently admitted to being involved with the girl at 16, writing, "If statutory rape is wrong I didn't wanna be right." A second alleged, anonymous victim "came forward to Pitchfork.

Adam22 vehemently denied these claims, even sharing emails where the anonymous accuser talks with him after the alleged sexual assault in a non-accusatory manner, writing, "notice how there's no mention of abuse or rape? does this sound like someone who was in an abusive relationship?" The allegations mostly fell to the wayside over the following years.

adam22 @adam22 my lawyer says that i gotta stop talking on twitter but i just wanted to get this out. a girl i dated for a few months 10 years ago is coming out saying that i r---- and assaulted her. these claims are new. she has no evidence. i have plenty of emails from her that make it clear how absurd these claims are. you'll probably get to read them all in time. I've done plenty of stupid s--- in my life. but i've never r---- or hit a woman. i've always been a person who relentlessly documented my life on the internet since I was 15 years old. i grew up on here and i know how this works. i knew some day the mob would come for me. i could have stayed a small time BMX blogger and never had to go through this but instead i went out and built No Jumper into what it is today even though i knew eventually every story and bad joke i wrote over the past 20 years ago would be used against me. i didn't know women from my past would fabricate r--- stories but i'm ready to face those head on too. my mission with No Jumper is to cover new and emerging artists and give them a voice. that isn't going to change no matter what happens as a result of all this. thanks so much to my amazing girlfriend, all my friends and everyone who has reached out privately to show support. 1:50 PM - Mar 23, 2018 ... :

What Happened With Adam22, 'OfficialPervBusters' and 'Lil Pump?'

On March 15th, the predator poaching Instagram page "OfficialPervBusters" appeared on one of No Jumper's live podcasts. The live stream was cut off after Perv Busters brought up the allegations against Adam22, wanting to know more about them. Adam22 came into the room, accused them of "spreading lies" and kicked them out of the studio.

Since then, the allegations are back in the limelight as Twitter discusses the "downfall of No Jumper." Adam22 has continued to deny the allegations, although now, rapper Lil Pump, who has collaborated with Adam22 in the past, is adding onto them.

In a recent Instagram Live stream, he claimed that Adam22 was hooking up with 16-year-olds in his 20s, although didn't delve into specifics. The credibility of these accusations from Pump is still in the air and Adam22 seemingly hasn't responded to them directly yet.

For the full details on the Adam22 allegations, be sure to check out our entry on the meme here for even more information.

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