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Part of a series on No Jumper. [View Related Entries]

Content Warning: Portions of the following entry contain mentions and/or depictions of sexual violence or abuse. If you need support or you or a loved one are in an abusive situation, please contact the National Sexual Violence Resource Center or call 1-800-656-HOPE.


Adam22 Pedophilia and Rape Allegations refers to allegations that Adam22, host of the No Jumper podcast, began dating a Canadian girl named Desiree Elyda when she was 16 years old, admitted to it in a blog post in which he also shared her nudes, then allegedly sexually assaulted her when she was 19, as well as accusations that Adam22 hooked up with 16-year-old girls while on tour with Lil Pump. Adam22 denied the accusations made by Elyda in 2018. In March 2023, the "predator catching" page OfficialPervBusters confronted Adam22 about the allegations while filming an episode of the podcast and Adam kicked them off the show, renewing interest in the controversy.


2018 Allegations

In March 2006, Adam22 hosted an "ask me anything" on the 2+2 forums[1] in which he answered questions about his sexual history and the girls he's slept with. In one comment, he admits to sleeping with a 17-year-old girl when he was 22 (shown below, left). In another, he says "15 is a good age" after someone criticizes him for messaging a girl who looks "14 or 15" to the commenter (shown below, right).

Adam22 S Reged: 12/30/04 Posts: 1113 Loc: A Check-Raisin in The Sun Re: Ask Adam22 questions about the 27 girls he has slept with. [Re: El Diablo] # 5189328 - 03/25/06 08:38 PM Quote: Adam, What is the age range of chicks you have banged? well i lost my virginity when i was 18 to a 17 year old. i don't think i've done any 17 year olds since besides one last year. it was awesome. i think my oldest girl might have been 22 when i was 20. although i have a few offers on the table from 26-28 year olds. i don't want to do it because it would involve traveling too far. also i am 22 right now. Post Extras:
Adam22 * A Reged: 12/30/04 Posts: 1113 Loc: A Check-Raisin in The Sun Re: Ask Adam22 questions about the 27 girls he has slept with. [Re: rocketlaunch] # 5234409 - 03/29/06 02:16 PM Quote: Quote: Quote: Quote: i now have a massive collection of every 2+2er's lurker account. http://www.myspace.com/jaydegroot that girl looked at my account from this thread. wow. Holy [censored] this is my sister and she must have been on my computer. i messaged her at random and she said she has no idea what 2+2 is so perhaps you looked at my myspace while she was logged in... i know sometimes when i look at my own myspace it shows up as my room mate's myspace if he had been using my computer beforehand. either way i'm probably going to hang out with her. That girl's like 14 or 15. Bravo. 15's a good age....... Post Extras: RO

On July 4th, 2017, @Adam22 tweeted,[2] "There's an account saying that I fucked a 16-year-old 10 years ago when I was 23 but actually she was 19 don't listen to it," garnering over 690 likes in six years (shown below).

adam22 @adam22 ... There's an account saying that I f----- a 16 year old 10 years ago when I was 23 but actually she was 19 don't listen to it 11:00 PM - Jul 4, 2017 from Manhattan, NY

On March 20th, 2018, Twitter[3] user @ConorTripler posted a now-deleted thread on Twitter consisting of screenshots including alleged evidence that Adam22 had a relationship with a girl when she was 16 and he was in his 20s, along with accusations that he sexually assaulted her. The thread also includes allegations against his co-host Lil House Phone and a link to the 2+2 forum AMA (the screenshots were not archived). On March 22nd, one of Adam's accusers, Desiree Elyda, then made a post to TheB9 forums[4] directly alleging that Adam abused her, calling him a "serial sexual predator" (shown below).

The allegations came right around the time that Adam22 signed a deal with Atlantic Records to launch his production company No Jumper Records.[5]

by ooGracie » Thu Mar 22, 2018 10:14 pm I am posting this on behalf of a friend -- please do not PM me about this unless you need me to deliver a message to Desiree, or help in some way. Desiree wrote: Adam22 aka Adam Grandmaison is a serial sexual predator who manipulated and r---- and abused me when I was a teenage girl. He documented it for everyone to see. His method is to doxx women or try to shame them publicly into silence. He has done this multiple times not only to women but to children as well. He demeans women and rubs it in their faces, while hiding behind a twitter army of 14 year old boys who laugh and cheer him on. He's empowered. Adam hates women. There's nothing he's done in his life to disprove that and there is a s--- ton of evidence to support his rampant physical and psychological abuse. Does he honestly think he can commit these horrible acts for years and just walk scott free? F--- him. I know he's s------- his pants right now, despite whatever garbage he decides to tweet when he comes out of hiding. He knows all the horrible things he done. He knows he's 100% guilty. And he knows there's a massive reckoning coming for him. This isn't a secret at all. It's been underneath all our noses for years. Adam has even written and posted details of these incriminating events all himself. Adam stole years from my life, plunged me into a deep depression and affected every relationship I have to this day. Every day I suffer from PTSD and anxiety because of what he did to me. He deserves every single thing that happens to him. Karma is a bitch. A powerful, strong, and NEWLY empowered bitch and Adam's time is up. ooGracie made out with Jesse Camp Posts: 18248 Joined: Fri Oct 10, 2008 1:13 am. Location: Los Angeles, CA

On March 23rd, 2018, @Adam22 tweeted[6] a statement claiming that Elyda has "no evidence" to back up her claims and that he has emails that make the claims seem "absurd" (shown below).

adam22 @adam22 my lawyer says that i gotta stop talking on twitter but i just wanted to get this out. a girl i dated for a few months 10 years ago is coming out saying that i r---- and assaulted her. these claims are new. she has no evidence. i have plenty of emails from her that make it clear how absurd these claims are. you'll probably get to read them all in time. I've done plenty of stupid s--- in my life. but i've never r---- or hit a woman. i've always been a person who relentlessly documented my life on the internet since I was 15 years old. i grew up on here and i know how this works. i knew some day the mob would come for me. i could have stayed a small time BMX blogger and never had to go through this but instead i went out and built No Jumper into what it is today even though i knew eventually every story and bad joke i wrote over the past 20 years ago would be used against me. i didn't know women from my past would fabricate r--- stories but i'm ready to face those head on too. my mission with No Jumper is to cover new and emerging artists and give them a voice. that isn't going to change no matter what happens as a result of all this. thanks so much to my amazing girlfriend, all my friends and everyone who has reached out privately to show support. 1:50 PM - Mar 23, 2018 ... :

On March 26th, Twitter[7] user @helen posted screenshots of the purported victim's statement, along with a screenshot from an old blog post allegedly written by Adam22 titled "The Desiree Story Part 1" in which he seemingly admits to dating Elyda when she was 16 and he was 22, writing, "If statutory rape is wrong I didn't wanna be right," as well as posting a nude image of Desiree, although her age at the time the photo was taken is unknown and Adam writes that she's "18 or 19" in "most of the pics here" (shown below).

The Desiree Story Part 1. GA This is a story about love. Well, no. But it's a story about girls. One girl in particular, a girl who is a bit of an internet legend in her own right even though right now she is still just 19 years old. Now to be sure she's no Cingy Margolis, Howard Stern's "ass girl" or even a Boxy, but she's got quite a bit of myth and legend surrounding her regardless. That girl is Desiree. This story begins quite a long time ago when I was just 23 years old. At the time I was posting heavily on the B9 Board (why do so many of my stories start this way?) and Desiree posted on there too. She had already carved out quite a reputation by way of numerous stories that circulated concerning her promiscuous behavior. I recall reading stories involving torrid acts like doing a--- on a tourbus at Warped Tour with the singer of a band, following a band around tour WITH HER MOM all over Canada (she grew up in Vancouver although she was born in Romania or some weird s---) so she could have sex with the singer and many other weird stories all involving dudes in bands, obv. Of course there was the obvious n00d scandal (although true n00dz of Desi have never surfaced, many near-n00dz have, which caused quite the stir), the retarded hardcore cliches (she is Straight Edge and proud of it) and the adoring hardcore fanboys. She was, and still is, a bit of a celebrity in the hardcore world.
↑ Ⓒweb.archive.org/ Her and I talked on Myspace for a while and she was, unsurprisingly, flirty. I doubt at the time I was on the level of coolness of the band dudes she was hooking up with, but she apparently had the foresight to realize how cool I would inevitably end up being (wink wink). One night in particular we ended up talking on the phone and she went into vivid detail about how she wanted me to go to Canada to see her and have sex with her. I won't even bother telling you the things that she described wanting me to do to her because by the end of the story I'll have actually done them all to her, and worse. The conversation left me hot and bothered to say the least. Now any of the math-inclined out there are probably reading this and thinking something like "she's 19 now, you were 23 then, how old was she then?" Well she was 16, but come on man, look at her. She's 18 or 19 in most of the pics here but she didn't look much different at all then. If statutory r--- is wrong I didn't wanna be right. Now I could make the argument that the age of consent is 16 in Canada (although I'm sure that traveling from America to Canada to have sex with a minor is still illegal as hell) but really, f--- an argument, she was stupid hot and I wanted in. Ads AdTech Ad O O
Now any of the math-inclined out there are probably reading this and thinking something like 'she's 19 now, you were 23 then, how old was she then?' Well she was 16, but come on man, look at her. She's 18 or 19 in most of the pics here but she didn't look much different at all then. If statutory rape is wrong I didn't wanna be right.

That day, March 26th, 2018, @Adam22 then posted several tweets about the situation. In the first tweet,[8] he writes, "It’s fucking sad how all it takes is a completely fabricated story from 10+ years ago to fool so many people. Ive got all these old emails from her about our relationship and 0 mention abuse or rape."

In the second set of tweets,[9] he shares emails from Elyda, allegedly sent to him after the blog post about their relationship, in which she talks cordially with him and never accuses him of rape (shown below, top and bottom). About the first email he writes, "notice how there's no mention of abuse or rape? does this sound like someone who was in an abusive relationship?" and the second, "doesn't this sound dramatically different from the account of our relationship she tells now? weird how the rape/abuse narrative took 10 years."

Desiree-Elyda to me If you're going to take the time to write our story you might as well have written it properly and factually. adam grandmaison to Desiree-Elyda Go on 1/8/10 1/8/10 1/8/10 Desiree-Elyda to me 1) You orginally booked a trip for me to come see you in June, (before we had ever even met in real life) beause you wanted to see me, not because you needed a ride buddy to drop off Tony in Salem. 2) We had a--- on the Friday night before I went to 10 for 10 in New Jersey on Saturday. 3) Sunday is when we did the sight seeing and you weren't having it so I felt resented by you. Therefore I was able to justify spending time with Frank the next day. I was going to back out of seeing him, but you were a douche to me that day, so that just gave me incentive to know that whatever you and I had wouldn't last. 4) Monday is when I spent the day with Frank, then we went to his house and the magic happened. This is also the day I didn't text you for 4 hours because I forgot/was enjoying my time with Frank. When I saw a bunch of unread texts from you I started to feel bad and guilty. Then I came home and cried and you held me and I realized what I did was s-----. 5) Later that night as we were asleep a crazy thunderstorm happened so we both woke up. I wanted to be intimate, but you are a nerd so you jumped on the internet. At that point I no longer felt guilty because I thought that if you would rather spend time on the internet updating TCU than laying in bed with me being cutesy then you honestly did not love me, and all the "I Love You's" from you were a sham and a lie just to get me wet. 6) The next morning I woke up horny so we f----- then watched some TV. Later I got dressed and went to hang out with Frank again. You were bummed. 7) I came home, you were angry and we didn't really talk. 8) The next day we had angry and aggressive sex and I flew black home. 9) You left for London, then came home a few weeks later and found out about Frank and I. You confronted me about and I neither denied nor confirmed anything. I did call you repeatedly though, because in honesty, I did miss you, and had feelings for you, and was somewhat hopeful you'd answer so I could apologize. Every time you did answer though, you were in a room full of your BMX dudes because you were to much of a coward to talk to me alone. I never got the chance to apologize. I understand that you're upset because you flew me out there and I hooked up with Frank, but you even admitted yourself that you f----- several girls in the time of our "togetherness". Are you mad because I f----- with your head before you could f--- with mine? I didn't mean to. I liked you, not only physically, but as a friend and I'm sorry if you got hurt, that is if your cold heart is capable of feelings. But really now, just let it go.
Desiree-Elyda to me If it was nothing personal you would not have mentioned my name, or posted pictures of me, and linked it to B9. You would have been stealthy and kept a Dennis Reynolds type memoir, but it's all said and done. I just thought you were above that. I having nothing against you, and am fine with being civil with you now, but if you feel the need to get this out of your system, go ahead. I know there is an underlying reason for this. I just wish you were intact enough with your emotions to let it out. If you're ever in Vancouver again it would be nice to see you and talk. 1/6/10

On March 30th, Pitchfork[10] published an article in which it talked with two alleged victims of Adam22, a girl named "D" (purportedly Desiree) and a second nameless reported victim who goes by "Jane," who describes an incident where Adam allegedly raped her. She also claimed that years after the incident, Adam discussed it online on a forum and in a blog post titled, "The Time a Girl Accused Me of Rape," and shared photos and details of the situation.


2023 Allegations

On March 15th, 2023, Instagram[11] influencers and predator catchers officialpervbusters posted several videos of himself on an unreleased episode of the No Jumper podcast in which he brings up Adam22's allegations to the host.

In the second video, Adam comes in and asks what the problem is and officialpervbusters says he'd be a "hypocrite" if he didn't ask about it. Adam claims that "the article" said she was 19 when he met the victim and that he only talked on the phone with her when she was 16, not realizing her age. Adam eventually kicked officialpervbusters out for "spreading lies" on his platform.

A compilation of the videos was posted by YouTuber noir that day, garnering over 49,000 views in two days (shown below).

On March 16th, a video of rapper Lil Pump live on Instagram, who has filmed several videos with Adam22 in the past, was posted to Twitter[12] in which Lil Pump accuses Adam22 of sleeping with 16-year-old girls when he was in his 20s (shown below).

Co-Hosts Leave No Jumper Podcast

On March 17th, 2023, reports that No Jumper co-hosts AD, T-Rell and DoKnow left the show, although it is unclear why some members left. AD may have chosen to leave after he disagreed with Adam22 interviewing Richard Spencer, who AD stated he believes is a white supremacist.[13][14] T-Rell announced he was leaving on a stream with DJ Akademiks in which he claims he wants to start his own show (shown below).

Interview With Joe Budden

On March 16th, 2023, Joe Budden interviewed Adam22 on his Amp show, which was reuploaded to the STREETSTEA YouTube[15] channel that day (shown below). The first 30 minutes are spent discussing the co-hosts leaving. At around the 31-minute mark, Budden asks Adam22 about the pedophilia allegations and says he had a problem with Adam telling Perv Busters they were "spreading lies."

Adam22 then denies the allegations, saying he learned she was 16 on the phone, acknowledged 16 is the age of consent in Canada but not the U.S. and claims he did not talk with her after that until they hooked up years later when she was 19. Adam also says he made edgy jokes about the controversy in his blog post about the situation.

Budden accuses Adam22 of "waiting for the girl" to reach the age of 19. Adam says he only hooked up with her years later because he saw her in his "recommended friends" on Facebook.

Adam22 Addresses Allegations

On March 28th, 2023, Adam22 addressed the allegations on YouToube[17] during an episode of No Jumper. He said that he had nothing to add after already addressing the allegations in 2018. He also discusses his desire to make the content on the channel less drama focused.

Online Reactions

On March 15th, 2023, DJ Akademiks reacted to the officialpervbusters videos, garnering over 83,000 views in one day on the King Akademics YouTube channel (shown below).

On the same day, a video compiling Adam22's perceived "rapiest moments" started spreading around Twitter[16] (shown below).

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External References

[1] 2+2 (via wayback machine) – The 2+2 Forums

[2] Twitter – adam22

[3] Twitter (via wayback machine) – Aaaaaaand – here it is.

[4] B9 Forum (via Wayback Machine) – A statement from Desiree Elyda re Adam22


[6] Twitter – adam22

[7] Twitter – helen

[8] Twitter – adam22

[9] Twitter – adam22

[10] Pitchfork – Sexual Assault Allegations Against Adam22 of No Jumper Detailed by Two Women

[11] Instagram – officialpervbusters

[12] Twitter – MIDWXST_WOCK

[13] YouTube – AD Is Disappointed In Adam For Interviewing Neo-Nazi Richard Spencer

[14] Spiel Times – Co-hosts leave podcast after serious allegations

[15] YouTube – STREETSTEA

[16] Twitter – MIDWXST_WOCK

[17] YouTube – No Jumper

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Adam22 No Jumper Allegations and controversies.

Adam22 / No Jumper Pedophilia and Rape Allegations

Part of a series on No Jumper. [View Related Entries]

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This entry contains content that may be considered sensitive to some viewers.

Content Warning: Portions of the following entry contain mentions and/or depictions of sexual violence or abuse. If you need support or you or a loved one are in an abusive situation, please contact the National Sexual Violence Resource Center or call 1-800-656-HOPE.


Adam22 Pedophilia and Rape Allegations refers to allegations that Adam22, host of the No Jumper podcast, began dating a Canadian girl named Desiree Elyda when she was 16 years old, admitted to it in a blog post in which he also shared her nudes, then allegedly sexually assaulted her when she was 19, as well as accusations that Adam22 hooked up with 16-year-old girls while on tour with Lil Pump. Adam22 denied the accusations made by Elyda in 2018. In March 2023, the "predator catching" page OfficialPervBusters confronted Adam22 about the allegations while filming an episode of the podcast and Adam kicked them off the show, renewing interest in the controversy.


2018 Allegations

In March 2006, Adam22 hosted an "ask me anything" on the 2+2 forums[1] in which he answered questions about his sexual history and the girls he's slept with. In one comment, he admits to sleeping with a 17-year-old girl when he was 22 (shown below, left). In another, he says "15 is a good age" after someone criticizes him for messaging a girl who looks "14 or 15" to the commenter (shown below, right).

Adam22 S Reged: 12/30/04 Posts: 1113 Loc: A Check-Raisin in The Sun Re: Ask Adam22 questions about the 27 girls he has slept with. [Re: El Diablo] # 5189328 - 03/25/06 08:38 PM Quote: Adam, What is the age range of chicks you have banged? well i lost my virginity when i was 18 to a 17 year old. i don't think i've done any 17 year olds since besides one last year. it was awesome. i think my oldest girl might have been 22 when i was 20. although i have a few offers on the table from 26-28 year olds. i don't want to do it because it would involve traveling too far. also i am 22 right now. Post Extras: Adam22 * A Reged: 12/30/04 Posts: 1113 Loc: A Check-Raisin in The Sun Re: Ask Adam22 questions about the 27 girls he has slept with. [Re: rocketlaunch] # 5234409 - 03/29/06 02:16 PM Quote: Quote: Quote: Quote: i now have a massive collection of every 2+2er's lurker account. http://www.myspace.com/jaydegroot that girl looked at my account from this thread. wow. Holy [censored] this is my sister and she must have been on my computer. i messaged her at random and she said she has no idea what 2+2 is so perhaps you looked at my myspace while she was logged in... i know sometimes when i look at my own myspace it shows up as my room mate's myspace if he had been using my computer beforehand. either way i'm probably going to hang out with her. That girl's like 14 or 15. Bravo. 15's a good age....... Post Extras: RO

On July 4th, 2017, @Adam22 tweeted,[2] "There's an account saying that I fucked a 16-year-old 10 years ago when I was 23 but actually she was 19 don't listen to it," garnering over 690 likes in six years (shown below).

adam22 @adam22 ... There's an account saying that I f----- a 16 year old 10 years ago when I was 23 but actually she was 19 don't listen to it 11:00 PM - Jul 4, 2017 from Manhattan, NY

On March 20th, 2018, Twitter[3] user @ConorTripler posted a now-deleted thread on Twitter consisting of screenshots including alleged evidence that Adam22 had a relationship with a girl when she was 16 and he was in his 20s, along with accusations that he sexually assaulted her. The thread also includes allegations against his co-host Lil House Phone and a link to the 2+2 forum AMA (the screenshots were not archived). On March 22nd, one of Adam's accusers, Desiree Elyda, then made a post to TheB9 forums[4] directly alleging that Adam abused her, calling him a "serial sexual predator" (shown below).

The allegations came right around the time that Adam22 signed a deal with Atlantic Records to launch his production company No Jumper Records.[5]

by ooGracie » Thu Mar 22, 2018 10:14 pm I am posting this on behalf of a friend -- please do not PM me about this unless you need me to deliver a message to Desiree, or help in some way. Desiree wrote: Adam22 aka Adam Grandmaison is a serial sexual predator who manipulated and r---- and abused me when I was a teenage girl. He documented it for everyone to see. His method is to doxx women or try to shame them publicly into silence. He has done this multiple times not only to women but to children as well. He demeans women and rubs it in their faces, while hiding behind a twitter army of 14 year old boys who laugh and cheer him on. He's empowered. Adam hates women. There's nothing he's done in his life to disprove that and there is a s--- ton of evidence to support his rampant physical and psychological abuse. Does he honestly think he can commit these horrible acts for years and just walk scott free? F--- him. I know he's s------- his pants right now, despite whatever garbage he decides to tweet when he comes out of hiding. He knows all the horrible things he done. He knows he's 100% guilty. And he knows there's a massive reckoning coming for him. This isn't a secret at all. It's been underneath all our noses for years. Adam has even written and posted details of these incriminating events all himself. Adam stole years from my life, plunged me into a deep depression and affected every relationship I have to this day. Every day I suffer from PTSD and anxiety because of what he did to me. He deserves every single thing that happens to him. Karma is a bitch. A powerful, strong, and NEWLY empowered bitch and Adam's time is up. ooGracie made out with Jesse Camp Posts: 18248 Joined: Fri Oct 10, 2008 1:13 am. Location: Los Angeles, CA

On March 23rd, 2018, @Adam22 tweeted[6] a statement claiming that Elyda has "no evidence" to back up her claims and that he has emails that make the claims seem "absurd" (shown below).

adam22 @adam22 my lawyer says that i gotta stop talking on twitter but i just wanted to get this out. a girl i dated for a few months 10 years ago is coming out saying that i r---- and assaulted her. these claims are new. she has no evidence. i have plenty of emails from her that make it clear how absurd these claims are. you'll probably get to read them all in time. I've done plenty of stupid s--- in my life. but i've never r---- or hit a woman. i've always been a person who relentlessly documented my life on the internet since I was 15 years old. i grew up on here and i know how this works. i knew some day the mob would come for me. i could have stayed a small time BMX blogger and never had to go through this but instead i went out and built No Jumper into what it is today even though i knew eventually every story and bad joke i wrote over the past 20 years ago would be used against me. i didn't know women from my past would fabricate r--- stories but i'm ready to face those head on too. my mission with No Jumper is to cover new and emerging artists and give them a voice. that isn't going to change no matter what happens as a result of all this. thanks so much to my amazing girlfriend, all my friends and everyone who has reached out privately to show support. 1:50 PM - Mar 23, 2018 ... :

On March 26th, Twitter[7] user @helen posted screenshots of the purported victim's statement, along with a screenshot from an old blog post allegedly written by Adam22 titled "The Desiree Story Part 1" in which he seemingly admits to dating Elyda when she was 16 and he was 22, writing, "If statutory rape is wrong I didn't wanna be right," as well as posting a nude image of Desiree, although her age at the time the photo was taken is unknown and Adam writes that she's "18 or 19" in "most of the pics here" (shown below).

The Desiree Story Part 1. GA This is a story about love. Well, no. But it's a story about girls. One girl in particular, a girl who is a bit of an internet legend in her own right even though right now she is still just 19 years old. Now to be sure she's no Cingy Margolis, Howard Stern's "ass girl" or even a Boxy, but she's got quite a bit of myth and legend surrounding her regardless. That girl is Desiree. This story begins quite a long time ago when I was just 23 years old. At the time I was posting heavily on the B9 Board (why do so many of my stories start this way?) and Desiree posted on there too. She had already carved out quite a reputation by way of numerous stories that circulated concerning her promiscuous behavior. I recall reading stories involving torrid acts like doing a--- on a tourbus at Warped Tour with the singer of a band, following a band around tour WITH HER MOM all over Canada (she grew up in Vancouver although she was born in Romania or some weird s---) so she could have sex with the singer and many other weird stories all involving dudes in bands, obv. Of course there was the obvious n00d scandal (although true n00dz of Desi have never surfaced, many near-n00dz have, which caused quite the stir), the retarded hardcore cliches (she is Straight Edge and proud of it) and the adoring hardcore fanboys. She was, and still is, a bit of a celebrity in the hardcore world. ↑ Ⓒweb.archive.org/ Her and I talked on Myspace for a while and she was, unsurprisingly, flirty. I doubt at the time I was on the level of coolness of the band dudes she was hooking up with, but she apparently had the foresight to realize how cool I would inevitably end up being (wink wink). One night in particular we ended up talking on the phone and she went into vivid detail about how she wanted me to go to Canada to see her and have sex with her. I won't even bother telling you the things that she described wanting me to do to her because by the end of the story I'll have actually done them all to her, and worse. The conversation left me hot and bothered to say the least. Now any of the math-inclined out there are probably reading this and thinking something like "she's 19 now, you were 23 then, how old was she then?" Well she was 16, but come on man, look at her. She's 18 or 19 in most of the pics here but she didn't look much different at all then. If statutory r--- is wrong I didn't wanna be right. Now I could make the argument that the age of consent is 16 in Canada (although I'm sure that traveling from America to Canada to have sex with a minor is still illegal as hell) but really, f--- an argument, she was stupid hot and I wanted in. Ads AdTech Ad O O

Now any of the math-inclined out there are probably reading this and thinking something like 'she's 19 now, you were 23 then, how old was she then?' Well she was 16, but come on man, look at her. She's 18 or 19 in most of the pics here but she didn't look much different at all then. If statutory rape is wrong I didn't wanna be right.

That day, March 26th, 2018, @Adam22 then posted several tweets about the situation. In the first tweet,[8] he writes, "It’s fucking sad how all it takes is a completely fabricated story from 10+ years ago to fool so many people. Ive got all these old emails from her about our relationship and 0 mention abuse or rape."

In the second set of tweets,[9] he shares emails from Elyda, allegedly sent to him after the blog post about their relationship, in which she talks cordially with him and never accuses him of rape (shown below, top and bottom). About the first email he writes, "notice how there's no mention of abuse or rape? does this sound like someone who was in an abusive relationship?" and the second, "doesn't this sound dramatically different from the account of our relationship she tells now? weird how the rape/abuse narrative took 10 years."

Desiree-Elyda to me If you're going to take the time to write our story you might as well have written it properly and factually. adam grandmaison to Desiree-Elyda Go on 1/8/10 1/8/10 1/8/10 Desiree-Elyda to me 1) You orginally booked a trip for me to come see you in June, (before we had ever even met in real life) beause you wanted to see me, not because you needed a ride buddy to drop off Tony in Salem. 2) We had a--- on the Friday night before I went to 10 for 10 in New Jersey on Saturday. 3) Sunday is when we did the sight seeing and you weren't having it so I felt resented by you. Therefore I was able to justify spending time with Frank the next day. I was going to back out of seeing him, but you were a douche to me that day, so that just gave me incentive to know that whatever you and I had wouldn't last. 4) Monday is when I spent the day with Frank, then we went to his house and the magic happened. This is also the day I didn't text you for 4 hours because I forgot/was enjoying my time with Frank. When I saw a bunch of unread texts from you I started to feel bad and guilty. Then I came home and cried and you held me and I realized what I did was s-----. 5) Later that night as we were asleep a crazy thunderstorm happened so we both woke up. I wanted to be intimate, but you are a nerd so you jumped on the internet. At that point I no longer felt guilty because I thought that if you would rather spend time on the internet updating TCU than laying in bed with me being cutesy then you honestly did not love me, and all the "I Love You's" from you were a sham and a lie just to get me wet. 6) The next morning I woke up horny so we f----- then watched some TV. Later I got dressed and went to hang out with Frank again. You were bummed. 7) I came home, you were angry and we didn't really talk. 8) The next day we had angry and aggressive sex and I flew black home. 9) You left for London, then came home a few weeks later and found out about Frank and I. You confronted me about and I neither denied nor confirmed anything. I did call you repeatedly though, because in honesty, I did miss you, and had feelings for you, and was somewhat hopeful you'd answer so I could apologize. Every time you did answer though, you were in a room full of your BMX dudes because you were to much of a coward to talk to me alone. I never got the chance to apologize. I understand that you're upset because you flew me out there and I hooked up with Frank, but you even admitted yourself that you f----- several girls in the time of our "togetherness". Are you mad because I f----- with your head before you could f--- with mine? I didn't mean to. I liked you, not only physically, but as a friend and I'm sorry if you got hurt, that is if your cold heart is capable of feelings. But really now, just let it go. Desiree-Elyda to me If it was nothing personal you would not have mentioned my name, or posted pictures of me, and linked it to B9. You would have been stealthy and kept a Dennis Reynolds type memoir, but it's all said and done. I just thought you were above that. I having nothing against you, and am fine with being civil with you now, but if you feel the need to get this out of your system, go ahead. I know there is an underlying reason for this. I just wish you were intact enough with your emotions to let it out. If you're ever in Vancouver again it would be nice to see you and talk. 1/6/10

On March 30th, Pitchfork[10] published an article in which it talked with two alleged victims of Adam22, a girl named "D" (purportedly Desiree) and a second nameless reported victim who goes by "Jane," who describes an incident where Adam allegedly raped her. She also claimed that years after the incident, Adam discussed it online on a forum and in a blog post titled, "The Time a Girl Accused Me of Rape," and shared photos and details of the situation.


2023 Allegations

On March 15th, 2023, Instagram[11] influencers and predator catchers officialpervbusters posted several videos of himself on an unreleased episode of the No Jumper podcast in which he brings up Adam22's allegations to the host.

In the second video, Adam comes in and asks what the problem is and officialpervbusters says he'd be a "hypocrite" if he didn't ask about it. Adam claims that "the article" said she was 19 when he met the victim and that he only talked on the phone with her when she was 16, not realizing her age. Adam eventually kicked officialpervbusters out for "spreading lies" on his platform.

A compilation of the videos was posted by YouTuber noir that day, garnering over 49,000 views in two days (shown below).

On March 16th, a video of rapper Lil Pump live on Instagram, who has filmed several videos with Adam22 in the past, was posted to Twitter[12] in which Lil Pump accuses Adam22 of sleeping with 16-year-old girls when he was in his 20s (shown below).

Co-Hosts Leave No Jumper Podcast

On March 17th, 2023, reports that No Jumper co-hosts AD, T-Rell and DoKnow left the show, although it is unclear why some members left. AD may have chosen to leave after he disagreed with Adam22 interviewing Richard Spencer, who AD stated he believes is a white supremacist.[13][14] T-Rell announced he was leaving on a stream with DJ Akademiks in which he claims he wants to start his own show (shown below).

Interview With Joe Budden

On March 16th, 2023, Joe Budden interviewed Adam22 on his Amp show, which was reuploaded to the STREETSTEA YouTube[15] channel that day (shown below). The first 30 minutes are spent discussing the co-hosts leaving. At around the 31-minute mark, Budden asks Adam22 about the pedophilia allegations and says he had a problem with Adam telling Perv Busters they were "spreading lies."

Adam22 then denies the allegations, saying he learned she was 16 on the phone, acknowledged 16 is the age of consent in Canada but not the U.S. and claims he did not talk with her after that until they hooked up years later when she was 19. Adam also says he made edgy jokes about the controversy in his blog post about the situation.

Budden accuses Adam22 of "waiting for the girl" to reach the age of 19. Adam says he only hooked up with her years later because he saw her in his "recommended friends" on Facebook.

Adam22 Addresses Allegations

On March 28th, 2023, Adam22 addressed the allegations on YouToube[17] during an episode of No Jumper. He said that he had nothing to add after already addressing the allegations in 2018. He also discusses his desire to make the content on the channel less drama focused.

Online Reactions

On March 15th, 2023, DJ Akademiks reacted to the officialpervbusters videos, garnering over 83,000 views in one day on the King Akademics YouTube channel (shown below).

On the same day, a video compiling Adam22's perceived "rapiest moments" started spreading around Twitter[16] (shown below).

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External References

[1] 2+2 (via wayback machine) – The 2+2 Forums

[2] Twitter – adam22

[3] Twitter (via wayback machine) – Aaaaaaand – here it is.

[4] B9 Forum (via Wayback Machine) – A statement from Desiree Elyda re Adam22


[6] Twitter – adam22

[7] Twitter – helen

[8] Twitter – adam22

[9] Twitter – adam22

[10] Pitchfork – Sexual Assault Allegations Against Adam22 of No Jumper Detailed by Two Women

[11] Instagram – officialpervbusters

[12] Twitter – MIDWXST_WOCK

[13] YouTube – AD Is Disappointed In Adam For Interviewing Neo-Nazi Richard Spencer

[14] Spiel Times – Co-hosts leave podcast after serious allegations

[15] YouTube – STREETSTEA

[16] Twitter – MIDWXST_WOCK

[17] YouTube – No Jumper

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