A man in a driver's seat, taking a picture, while another crawls over him. Caption: He wants to order.

What Is ‘He Wants To Order’ And Why Do People Redraw It So Much?

A drive-thru can be an extremely exciting place: cars, brightly lit menus, food rapidly and readily available. But often, it’s hard to communicate your order from the passenger seat. You’ve either got to shout so the sound makes it to the mic, or trust whoever’s driving to translate your order.

In the latest hip meme format, the passenger’s desire to get an order across represents the way your favorite character might feel about a lot of things. Or, maybe, the driver’s response is more their style.

He wants to order.

Where Did ‘He Wants To Order’ Come From?

The photo which started He Wants To Order bears the sure marks of Snapchat, featuring the forearm-heavy angle of a selfie taken on a phone and a thin strip of banner text. The people in it are Instagram users yochtclub and dantesancerre. It was originally tweeted, but the tweet has since been deleted.

He wants to order.

On July 22nd, 2022, somebody posted the image on Tumblr, and from there folks started to do redraws of the image, replacing the two young men with different characters. The redraws were especially popular on Twitter, with users interested in anime and manga replacing the dudes with their favorite characters. Sometimes, this takes the form of a ship.

WAL He wants to order. She wants to order.

What Does ‘He’ Want To ‘Order’?

Our research on the original post suggests that the two of them were at a Jolibee's drive-thru, but it is not yet known what exactly he wanted to order.

In the redraws, it's also unclear. But generally, the image seems to reflect on the relationship between the two figures. Perhaps what the person ordering really wants is the person driving, and they express it by placing their bodies so close together. The meme also prominently shows the butt of the person reaching to order, and some of the redraws take particular care with getting the shading just right on that body part.

he wants to order. he wants to order @Opening Down

Why Do People Draw ‘He Wants To Order?'

The meme seems to take off in fandom circles, offering people a way to make others who know about the characters laugh. It also gives people a way to connect with characters and imagine them in the real world, in a drive-thru situation.

And the drive-thru situation is evergreen. It has been a subject of many memes in the past, most prominently, ""Can I get uhh…":https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/can-i-get-uhhh

Temme get uhh h h h log Ye a h canI g et a u h h マクドナルドに eh

To learn more about He Wants To Order, be sure to check out our entry titled He Wants To Order

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