adam levine sumner stroh

What The Heck Is Going On With Adam Levine's Cheating Scandal?

If you've been in a coma the past week, first of all, good morning, and second of all, you missed a bonkers week on the internet after Maroon 5 singer Adam Levine was caught sexting hot models on Instagram.

That sentence alone isn't all that remarkable. Celebrities cheat on their wives all the time and while these stories are good for gossip mags, they hardly grip the attention of the internet at large. However, this story has two aspects that take it from sad scandal to internet gold: 1) This all started because Levine allegedly wanted to name his upcoming baby with his wife, Victoria's Secret model Behati Prinsloo, after one of his mistresses, and 2) he is the world's corniest sexter. Here we break down the Adam Levine cheating scandal in bite-size form so that you can catch up with what the internet's been buzzing about for a week.

What Did Adam Levine Do?

The scandal started when model Sumner Stroh posted a TikTok accusing Levine of having a year-long affair with her, capping off her allegation with a claim that Levine messaged her asking if it was cool of him to name his unborn son "Sumner."

This is wild but potentially not 100% accurate. Sumner provides no evidence that the pair had a sexual relationship, but does scroll through some shared flirtatious texts. The following day, Levine admitted to speaking to women in a "flirtatious manner" that sometimes "crossed the line," but denied having an affair.

21 adamlevine 22m From Create Mode > A lot is being said about me right now and I want to clear the air. I used poor judgment in speaking with anyone other than my wife in ANY kind of flirtatious manner. I did not have an affair, nevertheless, I crossed the line during a regrettable period in my life. In certain instances it became inappropriate; I have addressed that and taken proactive steps to remedy this with my family. My wife and my family is all I care about in this world. To be this naive and stupid enough to risk the only thing that truly matters to me was the greatest mistake I could ever make. I will never make it again. I take full responsibility. We will get through it. And we will get through it together. X

Then the floodgates opened, as other women came forward with their experiences DM-ing Levine. Instagram model @Maryka and model Alyson Rosef also came forward showing their texts with Levine, adding more fuel to the growing Adam Levine fire.

What Are The Adam Levine Memes?

Though Levine received the expected shock and condemnation from Twitter users once the news broke, the story turned into meme gold once users started reading Levine's flirtatious text messages. Of these, there were two clear stars: 1) "I may need to see the booty" and "That body of yours is absurd." Both were sent to Maryka and readers agreed that they were two of the corniest sexts of all time.

claire de lune @ClaireMPLS i think we can all agree that “i may need to see the booty" is something we should carry with us from this adam levine scandal, it is truly a gift and we need to incorporate it into the lexicon I may need to see the booty Fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk 6:49 PM. Sep 20, 2022 Twitter for iPhone
sleater kenneth @faithwithanf white people flirting is insane 11:04 < Adam Levine adamlevine Holy f--- Holy f------ f--- That body of yours is absurd Haha 11446 2:04 PM Sep 20, 2022 Twitter for iPhone B Next date i'll be like "do you wanna make out with the devil?"

Both sexts led to a bevy of memes about Levine's poor game. Most often, people would replace the context of the sext with a humorous situation, such as imagining Adam Levine were a pirate or that the "body" he was complimenting was that of Jesus Christ.

Jammy25 @jammy2560 Replying to @GalaxyPeaBrain "I may need to see the booty" 6:59 PM. Sep 20, 2022 Twitter Web App : Heat (1994) 4K Enjoyer @firagawalkwthme Me eating all the bread at The Last Supper Holy f--- Holy f------ f--- That body of yours is absurd 9:58 PM Sep 20, 2022 Twitter for iPhone ...

"That body of yours is absurd" also developed into an exploitable meme template, as people added various "absurd bodies" to the screenshot.

LEINE 21 LEMBE 21 Adam Levine adamlevine Holy f--- 9:48 AM 9:50 AM Holy f------ f--- O Message... That body of yours is absurd Adam Levine adamlevine Holy fok 9:48 AM 9:50 AM Holy fing fok O Message... That body of yours is absurd B ORM 21 Adam Levine adamlevine Holy f--- 9:48 AM 9:50 AM Holy f------ f--- O Message... Zankou's Chicken Tarna is absurd

Where Does The Adam Levine Meme Stand Today?

The meme-life of Adam Levine's meme is basically over thanks in no small part to various brands hopping on it. The world has moved on to the scandal involving Ned from The Try Guys cheating on his wife, and while there aren't memeable sexts from that scandal, the internet is having a lot of fun figuring out who The Try Guys are and noting that the man at the center of the scandal looks like this:

While it may be too late to meme on Adam Levine, let it be a lesson to men everywhere to a) never flirt with other women if you're in a serious relationship, and b) work on your sext game, lest they be exposed for the world to read.

For more information about the Adam Levine Cheating Scandal, check out our entry.

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