
Who Is 'Chudjak' And What Does The Meme Mean Exactly? The Contentious Wojak Character Explained

Chudjak meme explained.
Chudjak meme explained.

Published January 18, 2024

Published January 18, 2024

With the rise in popularity and prevalence of Wojaks since 2010, they've been circulating in a million different forms of meme.

In particular, one character named Chudjak has become a staple of internet humor that's hard to avoid.

Here's what you need to know about him and his controversial online legacy.

What (Or Who) Is Chudjak?

Like many Wojaks, Chudjak was born on 4chan and spread to other sites from there.

First, there was the "/pol/ face," meant to represent what a typical user of 4chan's /pol/ board would look like. It also became known as "le pollack," and it first appeared in December 2019.

From there, the memetic image evolved into something more detailed, steadily morphing into a new phenomenon. Chudjak, sometimes known as Poljak, is the name given to this particular member of the extensive Wojak family.

It seems his appearance was modeled off both the /pol/ face and El Paso shooter Patrick Crusius, who killed 23 people and injured 22 others in 2019. Chudjack often represents people who are deemed "chuds."

What Is a Chud?

"Chud" is a slang term used online that generally refers to a dislikeable person. A chud is also someone who exists far outside social norms, and not in a good way.

On a seemingly unrelated note, "CHUD" also stands for "Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dwellers," as named by a 1984 movie of the same name.

Chudjak is based on the concept of a chud (not a CHUD). He is often portrayed as racist, chronically online and perhaps gives off incel energy too. Often used as a negative representation of right-wing 4chan users, he is something of a stereotype caricature.

How Is Chudjak Used In Memes?

The first iteration of Chudjak, the /pol/ face, trended on 4chan until the Chudjak overtook it in 2020. It's often used to represent a stereotypical right-wing 4chan user but has also been used in other variations.

In early October 2020, 4chan users mass-spammed the image in a "4chan raid," with users of /pol/ then arguing that this representation displeased them. Naturally, people argued that this made them fit the rude stereotype even better.

They also created an alternate version of the meme, often with pink hair and wearing a pride flag, to represent leftist internet users.

Chudjak also makes an appearance in the meme "The West Has Fallen. Billions Must Die," which is a satirical take on the concept of depopulation. There's also a GigaChad version of Chudjak, known as "GigaChud."

To learn more about the Chudjak, be sure to check out Know Your Meme's encyclopedia entry for more information.

Tags: chudjak, wojak, what is chudjak, who is chudjak, chudjak explained, politics, /pol/, 4chan, chudjak meme, explainer, wojak comics, meaning,