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Return To Monke: The Meme Of Nostalgia And Rejection In 2020

To say that this year has had its fair share of depressing memes would be an understatement. Now, more than ever, memes act as reflections of the times, condensing people’s emotions and opinions on current events and issues. But while most memes focus on the current, others look back. Instead of conveying cynicism over the present, they show a longing for what once was.
Perhaps the most notable of these memes is Return to Monke, a curious series of image macros depicting various apes with the phrase “return to monke” plastered in a variety of captions. While it is easy to dismiss memes like these as little more than abstract shitposts, upon closer inspection, they are poignant reflections of nostalgia and human desire. Let's explore the Return to Monke, and why it is perhaps one of the most “human” memes of 2020.

What is Monke?
As far as memes go, Return to Monke is a relatively simple one (at least in terms of visuals). While most of these depict only a picture of a monkey, some go further and introduce a juxtaposition between modern humans and apes. The phrase “reject humanity” is often found in these memes to contrast modern humans from primitive apes. Two specific memes that share similarities to Return to Monke are the Grug Wojak and Reject Modernity, Embrace Tradition.
Grug is a caveman that represents the relentless desires of individuals without care for the constraints of society. Reject Modernity, Embrace Tradition, on the other hand, evokes nostalgia for the old ways. As a meme, it conveys the idea that the way things were was better than it is now. This meme is sometimes used in a historical context, but more often than not, it represents the aforementioned primitive side of humanity. Return to Monke takes elements from both of these and turns them into one abstract macro. In essence, it calls for the rejection of modern society in favor of personal satisfaction or simplistic traditions.

While it is clear as to what the meme’s meaning is, we return to the question of how it applies to the context of 2020. Specifically, why has this abstract meme become so prevalent while most memes similar to it have faded into irrelevance? In general, more abstract memes are nearly impossible to give a concrete meaning to, as their ambiguity makes way for a host of personal or communal definitions. Return to Monke is no different, as without additional context, it isn’t easy to comprehend what "monke" is supposed to be. Even the interpretation provided by the author thus far is but one angle to take when it comes to unraveling the true meaning of this meme. But perhaps there isn’t one, and the concept of "monke" is one that ascends all human thoughts and emotions.

The Year of the Monke: 2020
Without fully delving into the rabbit hole of existentialism, we can still piece together a few pieces of the puzzle that help to explain the relevance of Return to Monke in 2020. Let’s go back to the idea of the primitive nature that monke represents. It is no secret that apes and humans share a lot of traits biologically. The key difference that all of the previously mentioned memes represent between the species is the presence of society and its constraints.
While monke is typically not depicted in a similar light to Gamer’s Rise Up, the society monke attempts to describe is more broad, specifically relating to the status quo. While it is out of the author’s scope to explain every last unfortunate event that happened this year, under this interpretation, it is clear that monke in the context of 2020 is a denouncement of all of it. Furthermore, the idea of "returning to monke" is a basic desire of returning to the past, whether it be 2019 or the "golden age" of decades prior.

Return to the Past or Rejection of the Present?
While this all makes sense in the year 2020, one question remains somewhat unanswered: Why monke? What is it about evoking primitive nature and a complete rejection of society that applies for just a meme about our current year? The answer to this question depends on the meme’s interpretation, as we can't provide a sweeping explanation. In some memes, monke is depicted as denouncing the existence of the human race as a whole. In a sense, it states that humanity is a destructive force, while a return to monke is a return to benevolence. While there is a myriad of different meanings and social commentaries found in this interpretation, that is beyond the scope of the article. The point is merely that "monke" represents a general distaste of modern humanity and a desire to return to the past. A sentiment that is only exacerbated by the events of this year.

Assigning meaning to a more abstract meme is difficult, as they are so malleable to the perspectives of those who make and view them, even more so than other memes, and this interpretation is but one of many. However, with monke, the year 2020 provides ample context as to what exactly people who post such memes are trying to get at. It is not just a cry for the past like many memes this year have been, as seen with You're Finally Awake, nor is it a jaded acceptance of a grim reality. Instead, it shows a sharp rejection of reality, with monke serving as a strange allegory for refuge and rebuilding.
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