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Mike Bloomberg Shakes Dogs Face, Like A Human Being Does

Mike Bloomberg Shakes Dogs Face
Mike Bloomberg Shakes Dogs Face

Published January 29, 2020

Published January 29, 2020

Though he's yet to appear on a debate stage, former NYC mayor, multi-billionaire, and Democratic presidential candidate is performing surprisingly well in primary polls. However, he may have just endangered his standing with the dog constituency after he made an egregious gaffe in dog etiquette when he attempted to shake a dog's snout like he would a hand.

It is not the first time the Mayor has grabbed a dog's face rather than pet its soft, good boy head, as reporter Aaron Blake pointed out.

Needless to say, the extremely important political gaffe took Twitter by storm.

In an attempt to jump ahead of the Snout-gate firestorm, the Bloomberg campaign posted an ad showing how much dogs actually love the mayor.

At the time of writing, there is no change in Bloomberg's polling numbers among dogs. He seems to have escaped snout-gate unscathed, but dogs everywhere will surely be on the lookout the next time the mayor comes around.

Tags: mike bloomberg, dog, campaign,

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